The following college-level policies are subject to University Council Regulations. In the absence of information, or in the case of discrepancies between University and College regulations, University regulations will prevail. Please note that students will graduate according to the regulations effective for the year in which they are approved to graduate. In all other cases, the most current rules will apply, unless otherwise stated.

Bachelor of Science in Engineering (B.E.) Degree

Program of Study

The Bachelor of Science in Engineering (B.E.) degree program at the University of Saskatchewan is four years in duration. All undergraduate students complete a common first-year which provides the theoretical, mathematical, and problem-solving foundations necessary for specialization in the upper-year of studies.

Once the common first-year is completed, undergraduate students can specialize in one of eight majors (formally called "fields of study"): Chemical, Civil, Computer, Electrical, Environmental, Geological, Mechanical Engineering, or Engineering Physics. Further concentration is optional within select majors.

Program Requirements

To be awarded a Bachelor of Science in Engineering (B.E.) degree, undergraduate students must meet all program requirements prescribed for their major.

Undergraduate students are required to follow the prescribed program of study that was in place at the time of their admission into a major. Given that approved curricular changes may result in modifications to program requirements, it is recommended that students consult an Academic Advisor within the Engineering Student Centre to confirm their program of study.


All eight undergraduate programs offered by the College of Engineering at the University of Saskatchewan have been granted accreditation status by the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB) of Engineers Canada.

Second Degree Programs

B.E. as a Second Degree

The following regulations apply to students who have completed an undergraduate degree from the College of Engineering, or any other CEAB accredited engineering program in Canada, and wish to complete a second undergraduate degree program from the College of Engineering:

Program requirement: Students must satisfy all program requirements and the graduation standards for the degree being attempted.

Date of commencement of a program: Students must complete the program requirements and the graduation standards that are in place for the academic session in which they begin their second B.E. degree. Students are expected to maintain continuous registration in their studies in the College of Engineering, and to actively pursue completion of a Bachelor of Science in Engineering degree within the approved timeframe.

Bachelor of Science in Engineering (B.E.) degree from the U of S: After completion of a B.E. degree at the University of Saskatchewan, it is possible to obtain a second B.E. degree that is in a different major. In this circumstance, students must complete all program core requirements of the second major, including the capstone design course. Students do not need to retake courses that are common between the two majors, if they take at least 50% of the total credit units of the second major.

Degree from another institution: Students with an undergraduate degree from an accredited engineering program other than the University of Saskatchewan, may apply to complete a B.E. from the University of Saskatchewan. Such applications will follow the regular processes for admissions, transfer credit assessment and application, and date of commencement rules. 

All courses used towards an additional major would be subject to our time-in-program policies, which would create consistency amongst all students, including those who are just starting out in a program.

B.E. along with a second degree program offered by the College of Arts and Science: The Bachelor of Science in Engineering (B.E.) program can be completed in conjunction with a second degree program offered by the College of Arts and Science at the University of Saskatchewan. The length of time required to complete a second degree program is in excess of four years.

For planning purposes, undergraduate students interested in completing a second degree program are encouraged to speak with an Academic Advisor in the College of Engineering and the College of Arts and Science.

Graduate Studies

Undergraduate students who maintain an average greater or equal to 70% in the last two years of their undergraduate studies should consider continuing their studies at the graduate level. This will enable them to specialize in or broaden their undergraduate training and earn a Postgraduate Diploma, a Master of Engineering degree, a Master of Science degree, or a Doctor of Philosophy Degree. Students interested in these program should consult the College of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.

Admission into Major

College Admissions

The College of Engineering offers direct-entry into the Bachelor of Science in Engineering (B.E.) program. Prospective students are permitted to apply into a common first-year program directly from high school, from another college within the University of Saskatchewan, or from an external post-secondary institution. For further information on the admission process, please visit the University of Saskatchewan Admission website.

Choosing a Major

The College of Engineering does not offer direct-entry into specific majors in the Bachelor of Science in Engineering (B.E.) program. The college-level Admission into Major Policy prescribes requirements for admission into the eight majors. For further information, please review the Admission into Major Policy.

Registered Students

During Winter term of each academic year, undergraduate students registered in the Bachelor of Science in Engineering (B.E.) program whose fields of study are listed as undeclared are able to apply into a specific major. To do so, undergraduate students must declare their primary, secondary, and tertiary choice of major in PAWS. Once all applications are received, the College of Engineering will verify that the students meet the eligibility criteria for admission into major. Students who meet these criteria will be ranked competitively amongst one another. Admissions into majors will be awarded until enrollment limits in each major are met.

Prospective Students

Prospective students who apply for admission into the Bachelor of Science in Engineering (B.E.) program and have completed previous post-secondary education are required to apply into a common first-year program. Once an offer of admission has been made, the College of Engineering will review the applicant’s academic history and identify if the applicant meets the college-level Admission into Major Policy criteria.

Class Registration - APEGS Applicants

Prospective students who have been required by the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Saskatchewan (APEGS) to complete engineering-related coursework are required to apply for admission to the University of Saskatchewan. They should apply using the visiting student application provided by the Office of Admission and Transfer Credit.

Once admitted, the applicant is required to consult with an Academic Advisor. The advisor will assist in securing appropriate class registration permissions. It is recommended that APEGS applicants plan their academic coursework at least 6 months in advance of their expected start date.

For general enquiries or to schedule an academic advising appointment, please contact the Engineering Student Centre via telephone (1-306-966-5274) or via email (

Class Registration - First-Year Engineering Students

The College of Engineering does not register newly admitted students in first-year courses. It is expected that these students familiarize themselves with program requirements and registration processes promptly after accepting an offer of admission at the University of Saskatchewan.

Various resources are available to newly admitted students to assist them in understanding program requirements and registration processes. For instance, the University of Saskatchewan students’ website provides information on many university procedures, including programs, classes, registration, and other essentials. The students tab on the College of Engineering website contains many other useful resources.

The Engineering Student Centre has multiple support staff who can guide newly admitted students. For general enquiries or to schedule an academic advising appointment, please contact the Engineering Student Centre via telephone (1-306-966-5274) or via email (

Class Registration - Upper-Year Engineering Students

The College of Engineering does not register undergraduate students in academic courses. It is expected that these students familiarize themselves with program requirements and registration processes, and applicable deadlines each year at the University of Saskatchewan.

The Engineering Student Centre staff equip, help and refer across campus as needed for various student and campus services, including registration. For general enquiries or to schedule an academic advising appointment, please contact the Engineering Student Centre via telephone (1-306-966-5274) or via email (

Class Registration - Visiting Other Institutions

Undergraduate students often complete academic courses at other post-secondary institutions with the intention of transferring credit back to the University of Saskatchewan.

The College of Engineering requires students who wish to complete coursework at another post-secondary institution to speak with an Academic Advisor in the Engineering Student Centre and to secure a letter of permission before completing any external coursework. Failure to do so may result in the College of Engineering disallowing the transfer credit from being applied to their Bachelor of Science in Engineering degree program.

Prerequisite Requirements and Overrides

Prerequisites are prescribed for academic courses to ensure that students have the foundational knowledge needed for academic success. As a result, it is expected that undergraduate students complete all required prerequisites prior to registering in an advanced course. Only under exceptional circumstances will the College of Engineering approve prerequisite overrides.

Prerequisite requirements are listed in the Course Descriptions section of this Catalogue. A final grade of 50% or greater must be attained in the prerequisite course in order to register in the subsequent course.

Select courses listed in the Course and Program Catalogue have a prerequisite listed in the course description accompanied by the work “taken” in brackets. For these courses, achieving a final grade of 40% or greater will permit registration in the subsequent course; however, a final grade of 50% will be required in order for an official pass in the course to be achieved.

To request a prerequisite override, undergraduate students are required submit an online class override request and list both their Undergraduate Chair and the Associate Dean Academic as approvers. Students must also provide evidence which indicates they have obtained the foundational knowledge contained in the prerequisite course. If the Undergraduate Chair is convinced that the student has such knowledge, they may recommend to the Associate Dean Academic that a prerequisite override be granted. In turn, the Associate Dean Academic will either approve or deny the prerequisite or corequisite override request.

Timetable Conflicts

The College of Engineering does not approve or permit timetable conflicts under any circumstance. This restriction is strictly enforced to ensure that all eight undergraduate programs comply with national accreditation standards related to instructor-student contact hours.

Registered students who experience complications with their academic schedules are encouraged to consult an Academic Advisor in the Engineering Student Centre.

Laboratory Exemptions

To be awarded academic credit, undergraduate students are required to complete all requirements, including attending laboratory sections, for courses in their program of study. Laboratory exemptions are only granted under certain circumstances.

To request a laboratory exemption, undergraduate students are required to submit an online class override request, and provide evidence which indicates they have obtained the foundational knowledge contained in the laboratory section. In the online class override request, students must list the course instructor as an approver so the instructor can determine if the student has such knowledge, which warrants approval of the request. The student must also list the Associate Dean Academic as an approver.

Academic Performance

Academic status of students will be assessed at the end of Winter Term and will be based on the Sessional Weighted Average (SWA) achieved.

To remain in good academic standing, a student must maintain a Sessional Weighted Average (SWA) of 60% with less than 9 credit units of courses with failing marks in Fall and Winter terms in the academic year combined. A student who fails to meet the minimum requirement will face an unsatisfactory performance action, also known as academic action (Academic Warning, Academic Probation, Academic Suspension, or Academic Dismissal).

Students who receive either an academic warning or an academic probation action are strongly recommended to complete Back-on-Track program requirements. It is important to note that the Back-on Track program is only offered during the Spring and Summer terms, and that the program is possible to complete remotely (which allows maximum flexibility for some students who may not be in Saskatoon during the months of June, July, and August). However, students who are placed on academic suspension must complete Back-on-Track (BoT) program requirements before they will be allowed to register for classes upon return.

Students with prior academic action who subsequently achieved satisfactory academic standing in their repeat year will return to good academic standing.

The BoT program includes different strategies to help students recover from any setback that they encounter as a student learner. Students in the program will be provided with resources and support to equip them to improve their academic performance, such as: regular and frequent counselling and academic advising; structured support strategies; possible adjusted credit unit limit per term; and activities relevant for the student participants (for example, learning modules and workshops).

Academic Action

For information on academic action, please review the college-level policy. Appeals of evaluation, grading, and academic standing are governed by University-wide Council Regulations.

Dean’s Honour Roll

Each year, the College of Engineering honours those students who have achieved high academic standing. Recognition for this accomplishment is posted annually on the Dean’s Honour Roll display within the College.

To be recognized on the Dean’s Honour Roll, undergraduate students who complete a minimum of 24 credit units must have obtained a sessional weighted average of 77% or greater on all courses completed in a given academic year (September to April).

Progression Standards

To progress from one year in program to another, undergraduate students must meet certain criteria.

To progress from year 1 to year 2, undergraduate students must have declared a major field of study. Further details on this process are listed under the “Admissions into Majors” section in the Course and Program Catalogue.

After second year, to progress from one year-in-program to the next, undergraduate students are required to have completed 70% of the prescribed program of study for their current year-in-program. A student’s year-in-program is changed during the spring and summer term each academic year.

Students must maintain a Fall/Winter Session average of 60% or better. Failing grades for the session are included in the session average.

Retroactive Withdrawal

Students registered in the College of Engineering can appeal for retroactive withdrawal, as defined in the Academic Courses Policy, based on serious personal circumstances. For details on what serious personal circumstances include, deadlines and appeal documentation, please see the Retroactive Withdrawal Guiding Principles.


In compliance with university-level requirements, the College of Engineering has approved college-level policies and procedures governing deferred, special deferred, and supplemental examinations.

Supplemental and deferred examination procedures and policies are subject to the university-wide regulations on supplemental and deferred examinations outlined in the Academic Courses Policy. For the regular supplemental and deferred examination schedule, students should refer to the Academic Calendar.

For further information on this policy and associated procedures, or to schedule an academic advising appointment, please contact the Engineering Student Centre via telephone (1-306-966-5274) or via email (


Graduation Requirements

To be awarded the Bachelor of Science in Engineering Degree (B.E.), a student must have obtained a pass standing in all of the courses required by the specific program in accordance with the rules and regulations of the College of Engineering and the University of Saskatchewan. These requirements must be completed within timeframes defined in the Undergraduate Degree Completion Timeframe Policy. 

Students will have six years to complete their degree, from the time they enter into a major (second year). Courses taken in the first year will be excluded from the rule, as well as humanities and social science courses.

Degrees with Distinction

The College of Engineering will consider a student’s performance in second, third, and fourth-year courses for purposes of conferring a Bachelor of Science in Engineering (B.E) degree with Distinction or Great Distinction.

The University of Saskatchewan will confer a Bachelor of Science in Engineering (B.E.) degree with Distinction to students who graduate with a three-year cumulative program average of greater than or equal to 77% but less than 82%.

The University of Saskatchewan will confer a Bachelor of Science in Engineering (B.E) degree with Great Distinction to students who graduate with a three-year cumulative program average of equal to or greater than 82%.