
Graduate Level
Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Master of Agriculture (M.Agr.)
Master of Arts (M.A.)
Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.)
Master of Chemical Risk Assessment (M.R.A.)
Master of Clinical Pharmacy (M.C.P.)
Master of Education (M.Ed.)
Master of Engineering (M.Eng.)
Master of Environment and Sustainability (M.E.S.)
Master of Fine Arts (M.F.A.).
Master of Governance and Entrepreneurship in Northern and Indigenous Areas (M.G.E.N.I.A.)
Master of Indigenous Land-Based Education (M.I.L.B.E.)
Master of International Public Management and Administration (M.I.P.M.A.)
Master of Laws (LL.M.)
Master of Mathematics (M.Math.)
Master of Music (M.Mus.)
Master of Nursing (M.N.)
Master of Physical Therapy (M.P.T.)
Master of Physician Assistant Studies (M.P.A.S.)
Master of Professional Accounting (M.P.Acc.)
Master of Public Administration (M.P.A.)
Master of Public Health (M.P.H.)
Master of Public Policy (M.P.P.)
Master of Scholarship in Teaching and Learning (M.SoTL.)
Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Master of Sustainability (M.Ss.)
Master of Water Security (M.W.S.)

Undergraduate Level
Bachelor of Arts and Science (B.A.&Sc.)
Bachelor of Arts and Science Honours (B.A.&Sc.)
Bachelor of Arts Three-year (B.A.)
Bachelor of Arts Four-year (B.A.)
Bachelor of Arts Honours (B.A.)
Bachelor of Commerce (B.Comm.)
Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.)
Bachelor of Fine Arts Honours (B.F.A.)
Bachelor of Music (B.Mus.)
Bachelor of Music Honours (B.Mus.)
Bachelor of Music in Music Education [B.Mus.(Mus.Ed.)]
Bachelor of Science Three-year (B.Sc.)
Bachelor of Science Four-year (B.Sc.)
Bachelor of Science Honours (B.Sc.) 
Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness [B.Sc.(Agbus.)]
Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (B.S.A.)
Bachelor of Science in Animal Bioscience [B.Sc.(An.Biosc.)]
Bachelor of Science (Biomedical Science) Three-Year [B.Sc. (BMSC) Three-Year]
Bachelor of Science (Biomedical Science) Four-Year [B.Sc. (BMSC) Four-Year]
Bachelor of Science (Biomedical Science) Honours [B.Sc. (BMSC) Honours]
Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene [B.Sc.(DH)]
Bachelor of Science in Dental Therapy [B.Sc.(DT)]
Bachelor of Science in Dentistry [B.Sc.(Dent.)]
Bachelor of Science in Engineering (B.E.)*
Bachelor of Science in Food and Nutrition [B.Sc.(F&N)]
Bachelor of Science in Food Industry Management [B.Sc.(FIM)]
Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology [B.Sc.(Kin.)]
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.S.N)
Bachelor of Science in Nutrition [B.Sc.(Nutr.)]
Bachelor of Science in Renewable Resource Management [B.Sc.(R.R.M.)]
Doctor of Dental Medicine (D.M.D.)
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.)
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (D.V.M.)
Juris Doctor (J.D.)

Combined Degree
Bachelor of Science Kinesiology/Bachelor of Education Combined Degree [B.Sc.(Kin.)/B.Ed.]

Degree Level Diplomas and Certificates

Graduate Level
Postgraduate Diploma 
Postgraduate Degree Specialization Certificate 
Graduate Certificate in Climate Change, Vulnerability Assessment, and Adaptation Action
Graduate Certificate in Community Energy Finance and Planning
Graduate Certificate in Energy Transitions
Graduate Certificate in Environmental Planning
Graduate Certificate in Financial Management
Graduate Certificate in Foundations for Registered Nurse Specialty Practice
Graduate Certificate in Governance Foundations for Sustainability
Graduate Certificate in Hydrology
Graduate Certificate in Improving Teaching and Learning in Health Professions Education
Graduate Certificate in Indigenous Nation-Building
Graduate Certificate in Leadership
Graduate Certificate in Non-Profit Management
Graduate Certificate in One Health
Graduate Certificate in Public Administration
Graduate Certificate in Public Policy Research
Graduate Certificate in Quality Teaching in Health Professions Education
Graduate Certificate in Small Animal Rotating Veterinary Internship
Graduate Certificate in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Graduate Certificate in Science and Innovation Policy
Graduate Certificate in Social Economy, Co-operatives, and the Nonprofit Sector
Graduate Certificate in Specialty Internship in Veterinary Internship
Graduate Certificate in Substance Use Health and Wellbeing
Graduate Certificate in Sustainable Water Management
Graduate Certificate in Sustainability Solutions
Graduate Certificate in Veterinary Diagnostic Pathology
Graduate Certificate in Water Resources
Graduate Certificate in Water Science

Undergraduate Level
Aboriginal Teacher Associate Certificate
Certificate in Advanced French Language and Culture
Certificate in Advanced Studio Art
Certificate in Applied Gender Justice
Certificate in Astronomy
Certificate in Biological Research
Certificate in Business
Certificate in Catholic Studies
Certificate in Chemistry Foundations I
Certificate in Chemistry Foundations II
Certificate in Classical and Medieval Latin
Certificate in Computing
Certificate in Creative Writing
Certificate in Criminology and Addictions
Certificate in Curation Studies
Certificate in Early Childhood Education
Certificate in Entrepreneurship
Certificate in Ethics, Justice, and Law
Certificate in Formal Reasoning
Certificate in Foundations of Drama
Certificate in Foundations of Studio Art
Certificate in French-English Translation
Certificate in Geology Fundamentals
Certificate in Geomatics
Certificate in Global Health
Certificate in Global Studies
Certificate in Hard Rock Geoscience
Certificate in Human Nutrition 
Certificate in Indigenous Governance and Politics
Certificate in Indigenous Languages
Certificate in the Study of Indigenous Storytelling
Certificate in Indigenous Studies
Certificate in Intermediate French Language and Culture
Certificate in Intermediate Studio Art
Certificate in Internationally Trained Dieticians
Certificate in Japanese Language and Culture
Certificate in Jazz
Certificate in Jewish and Christian Origins
Certificate in Labour Studies
Certificate in Mathematical Modelling
Certificate in Medical Language
Certificate in Music and Wellbeing
Certificate in One Health
Certificate in Peace Studies
Certificate in Precision Agriculture
Certificate in Professional Communication ‐ Leadership and Negotiation
Certificate in Professional Communication ‐ Persuasive Communication
Certificate in Professional Communication ‐ Technical and Professional Writing
Certificate in Politics and Law
Certificate in Practical and Applied Arts
Certificate in Quantitative Geosciences
Certificate in Queer Theory, Gender Diversity, and Sexualities Studies
Certificate in Religious Literacy
Certificate in Secondary Technical Vocational Education 
Certificate in Sedimentary Geology
Certificate in Spanish Language and Culture
Certificate in Speech Development and Diversity
Certificate in Statistical Methods
Certificate in Sustainability
Certificate in Technological Innovation
Certificate in Technical Innovation - Leading Innovative Teams
Certificate in Technical Innovation - New Product Market
Certificate in Ukrainian Studies
Certificate in Urban Design
Certificate in Water Science
Certificate in wîcêhtowin Theatre
Certificate of Leadership in Post-Secondary Education
Indigenous Business Administration Certificate
Internationally Educated Teachers Certificate 
Kanawayiketaytan Askiy Certificate
Post-Degree Specialization Certificate 
Post-Degree Certificate in English as an Additional Language
Post-Degree Certificate in Education: Special Education

Diploma in Agribusiness
Diploma in Agronomy
Kanawayihetaytan Askiy Diploma in Indigenous Lands Governance - K.A.I.L.G.
Kanawayihetaytan Askiy Diploma in Indigenous Resource Management – K.A.I.R.M.

Non-Degree Level Certificates

Certificate in Dental Assisting
Certificate in English for Academic Purposes
Prairie Horticulture Certificate
Graduate Certificate in Teaching Preparation
Graduate Pathways Certificate 
Graduate Professional Skills Certificate
STEM Accelerator Certificate