The following college-level policies are subject to University Council Regulations. In the absence of information, or in the case of discrepancies between university and college regulations, university regulations will prevail. Please note that students will graduate according to the regulations effective for the year in which they are approved to graduate. In all other cases, the most current rules will apply, unless otherwise stated.

Academic Policies - Division of Nutrition and Dietetics

Students should refer to the Academic Policies document located on the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition website, in addition to this page.

The Division of Nutrition and Dietetics, College of Pharmacy and Nutrition grading system differs from the university-wide grading system, as outlined below: 

The College of Pharmacy and Nutrition considers 60% to be the official passing grade in NUTR courses which assign a numeric mark. Note that this policy is in effect for students enrolled in the Bachelor of Science in Nutrition program ONLY.

In the event that the course is failed, but the computed final grade results in a passing mark (between 50% and the passing grade), an N (no credit) grade will be added to the computed percentile grade. Students must successfully repeat the course in order to progress through the program.

The B.Sc.(Nutrition) program involves a unique structure and a partnership with the Saskatchewan Health Authority (Saskatoon site or Regina site) and other health regions and Tribal Councils in the province. All of the required professional experiences are included within the nutrition degree, and all graduates, on successful completion of a national exam, qualify for professional dietetics registration. The program is accredited by Accreditation Canada and prepares students for eligibility for registration with a provincial dietetics regulatory body.

The professional experiences are provided primarily through the Professional Practice courses (NUTR 230.3, NUTR 330.3, NUTR 366.3, NUTR 430.3, NUTR 533.6, NUTR 534.6, NUTR 535.6, NUTR 536.6, NUTR 537.3, and NUTR 538.3. Year Four of the program consists of 33-week* practice-based experiences (practicum) and students have their home base with the Saskatchewan Health Authority (Saskatoon site or Regina sites).

*This 33 week period includes a two-week break half-way through the practice-based experiences.

Qualification for registration as a professional dietitian includes the following components: a Bachelor's degree in Nutrition or related area and specific undergraduate courses, professional experiences and a national examination. For students at the University of Saskatchewan the professional experiences are included within the degree.

In order to use the title "Registered Dietitian" (RD), individuals must obtain a practice license through registration with a provincial regulatory body (in Saskatchewan, the regulatory body is the Saskatchewan College of Dietitians). To qualify for registration, individuals require academic and practical training from an accredited university program and successful completion of the Canadian Dietetic Registration Exam. This exam is available to be written twice per year and ensures competence of entry-level dietitians.

Students in the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition who wish to complete their studies toward the Bachelor of Arts or the Bachelor of Science in addition to the Bachelor of Science in Nutrition are advised to consult the Arts & Science Undergraduate Office to determine the precise requirements.

Students are required to complete Basic food safety training and Advanced food safety training instruction during their program. Basic food safety training is an 8-hour, nationally recognized training program for food handlers, and is taken in the first year. Advanced food safety training is an 11-hour program, designed for food service managers, and is taken in Year 3. Students who already hold FoodSafe Level I or equivalent (e.g., National Sanitation Training Program Certificate) and Level II certificates are not required to repeat the programs, provided that they have been taken within the last three years, but must present the certificates for consideration and entry into the student record.

To be included on the Dean's Honour Roll, students must have a Sessional Weighted Average of 80% or greater and must have completed a minimum of 30 credit units in the Regular Session.

Standards of Academic Performance

Candidates for the degree are required to obtain an Annual Weighted Average of 65%, and CR (Completed Requirements) for the professional practice courses, and have no more than two failures in the Fall and Winter Terms, or the student will be Required to Discontinue the program in Nutrition. The Annual Weighted Average is based on courses taken during the Fall and Winter Terms (September-April) and Spring and Summer Terms immediately prior to this and CR (completed requirements) in the Practicum courses. Credit units indicate the relative academic weight of each course and are used to calculate the weighted average.

All admission deficiencies must be removed before a student will be allowed to register in second year. The cut-off date for removal of admission deficiencies is June 30.

The following regulations should also be noted for the Nutrition program:

  • A student in the first year of the program may not take second-year compulsory courses.
  • A student must meet all Term 1 prerequisite courses in order to take Term 2 courses. Failure to do so will require the student to drop Term 2 courses. If a student fails a single course in Term 1, they may be granted a special supplemental exam, if eligible, in order to potentially allow them to move on to Term 2. Every effort will be made to have the special supplemental exams written early in Term 2. If the student subsequently fails a second course in Term 2, they will not be eligible for a supplemental exam (i.e., two course failures have occurred in the academic year) and must repeat the courses.
  • If a student fails three or more courses in the academic year, they will be required to discontinue.
  • A grade of <60% will be counted as "one failure" regardless of the unit value of the course. All failed courses, including pass/fail courses, are reviewed by the Undergraduate Academic Affairs Committee (UAAC) which will determine if any additional remediation is required prior to the student reattempting the failed course; remediation may include repeating course for which the student already has credit. Students will be notified of the UAAC’s decision within 5 working days of the UAAC meeting. A student may request a reconsideration of the UAAC decision only if they have relevant, new evidence to provide that was not available at the time of the Committee’s decision. A request for reconsideration must be submitted in writing to the Associate Dean Academic within 15 calendar days of receiving the original UAAC decision. A reconsideration by UAAC may result in a reversal, modification, or no change to the original decision, and will be provided to the student within calendar 30 days of receipt of the reconsideration request. If a student is not satisfied with the reconsideration outcome, they may pursue a College-level appeal.
  • Final grades are always reported on a percentage system, computed according to the weight of assignments and examinations listed in the course syllabus.
  • Students cannot progress to the next year of the program without completing all the necessary requirements for that academic year unless special approval is granted by the Undergraduate Academic Affairs Committee.
  • A student who chooses to split the first, second, or third year of the program, must consult with the Associate Dean Academic to determine a suitable split of courses. Students cannot split the fourth year of the program. A student is only allowed to split one year in their program.
  • Students who wish to take an equivalent course through another institution for credit towards the Nutrition program must submit their request through the Associate Dean Academic, or designate. The course(s) must be completed by April 30 in the year of the student's program (i.e., a required course offered in year 2 must be completed by April 30). 

Required to Discontinue

  • A student may be Required to Discontinue from the program in Nutrition due to lack of professionalism.
  • Students Required to Discontinue are permitted to apply for admission to another program at this university or at any other accredited post-secondary institution for study during the year that the faculty action is in place (called the period of rustication), except when the faculty action is a matter of academic or non-academic discipline. Such applications are considered on a case-by-case basis by the program, subject to the requirements and policies in place for that college or institution, to which the student is applying. 
  • A student who has been “Required to Discontinue” may apply to re-enter the program after the year by providing a statement to the Undergraduate Academic Affairs Committee indicating they wish to be re-admitted to the program. The statement must include a reflection describing why they were unable to be successful in the program and any activities they have undertaken during the year in order to be successful if re-admitted. Appropriate documentation (for example, from a health care provider) should be included with the statement as appropriate. Readmission is subject to availability of a position in the specific year of the program to which the student will be readmitted. An application from a prospective student who has been ”Required to Discontinue” twice will not be approved except in extreme circumstances.
  • A student who re-enters the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition after being “Required to Discontinue” will not retain credit for any course taken during the year in which the student was required to discontinue where a grade of <65% was achieved. The Undergraduate Academic Affairs Committee may also require a repeat of specific courses (e.g., Skills Lab course which is Pass/Fail).

Appeals of evaluation, grading, and academic standing are governed by university-wide council regulations.

Incomplete Coursework

Any coursework deemed mandatory by the instructor in the class syllabus must be completed in order to pass the course. In the case where the student has a passing percentage grade but the instructor has indicated in the class syllabus that failure to complete the required class work will result in failure in the class, a final grade of 49% will be submitted along with a grade comment of INF (Incomplete Failure).

Supplemental & Deferred Examinations

Supplemental and deferred examination procedures and policies are subject to the university-wide regulations on supplemental and deferred examinations outlined in the Academic Courses Policy. For the regular supplemental and deferred examination schedule, students should refer to the Academic Calendar.

Additional Regulations

A student wishing to graduate must complete the courses for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Nutrition within a period of seven years after first registration in the respective program in the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition. Approved leave of absences from the program are included in the seven-year limit. In exceptional circumstances permission may be granted to continue study beyond the seven-year limit. The student must meet the degree requirements in place when the extension is granted.

Consideration will be given to reasonable requests for time away from the Doctor of Pharmacy or Bachelor of Science in Nutrition program. However, all leaves must not compromise the expectations and rigors of the professional program. Time in an approved leave of absence is included as part of the seven-year limit for completing the program.

Requested Leaves

Students must apply in writing (email is permissible) to the Association Dean Academic requesting a leave of absence. Whenever possible, the request should be made no less than 30 days prior to the start of the leave, although the College recognizes this may not always be possible. Appropriate documentation supporting the leave of absence request must be submitted (e.g., physician note) before the request will be considered. 

Required Leaves

Should a student’s health or professionalism issues be identified such that their continued participation in the program may present a risk to others, or the student is no longer able to meet the Essential Skills and Attributes Required for the Study of Pharmacy at the University of Saskatchewan or the Essential Skills Required for the Study of Nutrition at the University of Saskatchewan, the student may be required to take a leave of absence or withdraw from the program until such a time that they no longer pose a risk or are able to meet the Essential Skills and Attributes.

Return from Leave

The College of Pharmacy and Nutrition reserves the right to determine conditions of return to the program after a leave of absence.

Students returning from an approved medical leave must provide appropriate documentation supporting their return before they will be approved to return to their program.

All leaves that are longer than an academic year must be reviewed by the Undergraduate Academic Affairs Committee (UAAC) before a student will be approved to return to the program. The UAAC may require remediation, including the repeating of courses for which the student has already received credit (e.g., Skills Labs) before a student can return to their program.

Retroactive Withdrawals

Students who have failed a course due to a serious personal circumstance (e.g., compassionate or medical) may apply for a retroactive withdrawal. A retroactive withdrawal results in a change to the academic record and can be justified only on serious personal circumstances rather than academic grounds. The retroactive withdrawal request must be submitted in writing to the Associate Dean Academic and be accompanied by supporting documentation. Retroactive withdrawal requests will be reviewed by the Undergraduate Academic Affairs Committee (UAAC).

Serious personal circumstances may include:

  • Medical grounds: the student must have personally experienced a medical illness, injury, or a detrimental impact resulting from treatment or changes in treatment. Supporting documentation must be from a licensed healthcare provider actively involved in the care and/or management of the student. The documentation must indicate support for the retroactive withdrawal, including the dates for which the assessment and/or support is effective. Depending on the potential impact of the medical grounds, the UAAC may require that the student take a medical leave or provide documented medical clearance before being allowed to reattempt the withdrawn course.
  • Compassionate grounds: a distressing incident or life event, or personal emergency, outside the student's control that negatively impacted their ability to successfully complete the course.

In the retroactive withdrawal request the student must clearly state:

  • The course(s) from which they are applying to be retroactively withdrawn
  • The personal circumstance that led to the failing grade
  • Why a withdrawal during the course was not requested
  • A plan of action for the reattempt of the course(s), where applicable

Requests for a retroactive withdrawal will not be reviewed if all required components are not submitted.

Except in exceptional circumstances, requests for retroactive withdrawals must be submitted to the Associate Dean Academic not later than 30 calendar days from receipt of the final grade in the course for which the retroactive withdrawal is being requested.

Academic Policies - Division of Pharmacy

Students should refer to the Academic Policies document located on the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition website, in addition to this page.

The Division of Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy and Nutrition grading system differs from the university-wide grading system, as outlined below: 

The College of Pharmacy and Nutrition considers 60% to be the official passing grade in PHAR courses which assign a numeric mark.

In the event that the course is failed, but the computed final grade results in a passing mark (between 50% and the passing grade), an N (no credit) grade will be added to the computed percentile grade. Students must successfully repeat the course in order to progress through the program.

The university offers a four-year program leading to the Doctor of Pharmacy degree (Pharm.D.). This program prepares students to enter community pharmacy, hospital pharmacy, industrial pharmacy, or postgraduate study.

To receive a degree in Pharmacy from the University of Saskatchewan, a student must have completed at least 50% of the total credit units required for the Pharm.D. degree at this institution. In the case of students wishing to receive credit for courses taken at another College/Faculty of Pharmacy, courses will be reviewed individually to determine if credit will be granted. Students will be responsible for providing adequate information to allow proper review of course content.

Students in the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition who wish to complete their studies toward the Bachelor of Arts or the Bachelor of Science in addition to the Pharm.D. are advised to consult the Arts & Science Undergraduate Office to determine the precise requirements.

Students registered in the Pharm.D. program must register as interns with the Saskatchewan College of Pharmacy Professionals in order to participate in the required experiential learning courses.

Qualification for registration as a licensed pharmacist for most provinces in Canada includes the following: a Pharm.D. degree from an accredited program, certification with the Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada (PEBC) and completion of practice experience or experiential learning. For students at the University of Saskatchewan who are completing the Pharm.D. Program, the required experiential learning is included within the degree program. On successful completion of the degree and the qualifying examination for certification with the Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada, and after successfully completing the jurisprudence examination of the Saskatchewan College of Pharmacy Professionals (SCPP), Pharmacy graduates from the University of Saskatchewan are eligible for registration with the Saskatchewan College of Pharmacy Professionals. Requirements for licensure in other provinces are similar, but may also include additional practical experience and/or successful completion of a jurisprudence examination.

Graduates of this university having the degree of Pharm.D. may apply to write the Qualifying Examinations of the PEBC. Passing of the examinations set by the Pharmacy Examining Board will satisfy the academic requirement of the other provincial pharmacy licensing bodies which participate in the PEBC.

To be included on the Dean's Honour Roll, a student must have a Sessional Weighted Average of 80% or greater and must have completed a minimum of 30 credit units in the Regular Session.

Candidates for a degree are required to obtain an Annual Weighted Average of 65%, and have no more than two failures in the Fall and Winter Terms of each year or the student will be Required to Discontinue the program in Pharmacy. Students who do not meet the requirements in their graduating year will be dealt with on an individual basis. The Annual Weighted Average is based on courses taken during the Fall and Winter Terms (September-April) and Spring and Summer Terms immediately prior to this and CR (completed requirements) in the Experiential Learning and Pharmacy Skills courses. Credit units indicate the relative academic weight of each course and are used to calculate the weighted average.

The following regulations should also be noted for the Pharm.D. program:

  • A student in the first year of the program may not take second-year compulsory courses.
  • A student must meet all Term 1 prerequisite courses in order to take Term 2 courses. Failure to do so will require the student to drop Term 2 courses. If a student fails a single course in Term 1,  they may be granted a special supplemental exam, if eligible, in order to potentially allow them to move on to Term 2. Every effort will be made to have the special supplemental exams written early in Term 2. If the student subsequently fails a second course in Term 2, they will not be eligible for a supplemental exam (i.e., two course failures have occurred in the academic year) and must repeat the courses.
  • If a student fails three or more courses in the academic year, they will be required to discontinue.
  • A student must have completed all required courses of any given year before entry to the next year of the program.
  • A grade of <60% will be counted as "one failure" regardless of the unit value of the course. All failed courses, including pass/fail courses, are reviewed by the Undergraduate Academic Affairs Committee (UAAC) which will determine if any additional remediation is required prior to the student reattempting the failed course; remediation may include repeating course for which the student already has credit. Students will be notified of the UAAC’s decision within 5 working days of the UAAC meeting. A student may request a reconsideration of the UAAC decision only if they have relevant, new evidence to provide that was not available at the time of the Committee’s decision. A request for reconsideration must be submitted in writing to the Associate Dean Academic within 15 calendar days of receiving the original UAAC decision. A reconsideration by UAAC may result in a reversal, modification, or no change to the original decision, and will be provided to the student within calendar 30 days of receipt of the reconsideration request. If a student is not satisfied with the reconsideration outcome, they may pursue a College-level appeal.
  • Final grades are always reported on a percentage system, computed according to the weight of assignments and examinations listed in the course syllabus.
  • Students cannot progress to the next year of the program without completing all the necessary requirements for that academic year unless special approval is granted by the Undergraduate Academic Affairs Committee.
  • A student who chooses to split the first, second, or third year of the program, must consult with the Associate Dean Academic to determine a suitable split of courses. Students cannot split the fourth year of the program. A student is only allowed to split one year in their program.
  • Students who wish to take an equivalent course through another institution for credit towards the Pharmacy or Nutrition program must submit their request through the Associate Dean Academic, or designate. The course(s) must be completed by April 30 in the year of the student's program (i.e., a required course offered in year 2 must be completed by April 30).

Required to Discontinue

  • A student may be Required to Discontinue from the program in Pharmacy due to lack of professionalism.
  • Students Required to Discontinue are permitted to apply for admission to another program at this university or at any other accredited post-secondary institution for study during the year that the faculty action is in place (called the period of rustication), except when the faculty action is a matter of academic or non-academic discipline. Such applications are considered on a case-by-case basis by the program, subject to the requirements and policies in place for that college or institution, to which the student is applying. 
  • A student who has been “Required to Discontinue” may apply to re-enter the program after the year by providing a statement to the Undergraduate Academic Affairs Committee indicating they wish to be re-admitted to the program. The statement must include a reflection describing why they were unable to be successful in the program and any activities they have undertaken during the year in order to be successful if re-admitted. Appropriate documentation (for example, from a health care provider) should be included with the statement as appropriate. Readmission is subject to availability of a position in the specific year of the program to which the student will be readmitted. An application from a prospective student who has been ”Required to Discontinue” twice will not be approved except in extreme circumstances.
  • A student who re-enters the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition after being “Required to Discontinue” will not retain credit for any course taken during the year in which the student was required to discontinue where a grade of <65% was achieved. The Undergraduate Academic Affairs Committee may also require a repeat of specific courses (e.g., Skills Lab course which is Pass/Fail).

Policies for Failure in Pharmacy Experiential Learning Courses

Experiential learning (EL) placements and courses are academic courses. Failure in a placement is considered failure of an academic course and is subject to the academic policies of the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition, including all Faculty Actions. Students must successfully complete all courses (including EL courses) before moving on to the next year in the program.

For specific information on Experiential Learning policies, students should refer to the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition Academic Policies

Incomplete Coursework

Any coursework deemed mandatory by the instructor in the class syllabus must be completed in order to pass the course. In the case where the student has a passing percentage grade but the instructor has indicated in the class syllabus that failure to complete the required class work will result in failure in the class, a final grade of 49% will be submitted along with a grade comment of INF (Incomplete Failure).

Supplemental & Deferred Examinations

Supplemental and deferred examination procedures and policies are subject to the university-wide regulations on supplemental and deferred examinations outlined in the Academic Courses Policy. For the regular supplemental and deferred examination schedule, students should refer to the Academic Calendar.

Additional Regulations

 A student wishing to graduate must complete the courses for the degree of Doctor of Pharmacy within a period of seven years after first registration in the respective program in the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition. Approved leave of absences from the program are included in the seven-year limit. In exceptional circumstances permission may be granted to continue study beyond the seven-year limit. The student must meet the degree requirements in place when the extension is granted.

Consideration will be given to reasonable requests for time away from the Doctor of Pharmacy or Bachelor of Science in Nutrition program. However, all leaves must not compromise the expectations and rigors of the professional program. Time in an approved leave of absence is included as part of the seven-year limit for completing the program.

Requested Leaves

Students must apply in writing (email is permissible) to the Association Dean Academic requesting a leave of absence. Whenever possible, the request should be made no less than 30 days prior to the start of the leave, although the College recognizes this may not always be possible. Appropriate documentation supporting the leave of absence request must be submitted (e.g., physician note) before the request will be considered. 

Required Leaves

Should a student’s health or professionalism issues be identified such that their continued participation in the program may present a risk to others, or the student is no longer able to meet the Essential Skills and Attributes Required for the Study of Pharmacy at the University of Saskatchewan or the Essential Skills Required for the Study of Nutrition at the University of Saskatchewan, the student may be required to take a leave of absence or withdraw from the program until such a time that they no longer pose a risk or are able to meet the Essential Skills and Attributes. 

Return from Leave

The College of Pharmacy and Nutrition reserves the right to determine conditions of return to the program after a leave of absence.

Students returning from an approved medical leave must provide appropriate documentation supporting their return before they will be approved to return to their program.

All leaves that are longer than an academic year must be reviewed by the Undergraduate Academic Affairs Committee (UAAC) before a student will be approved to return to the program. The UAAC may require remediation, including the repeating of courses for which the student has already received credit (e.g., Skills Labs) before a student can return to their program.

Retroactive Withdrawals

Students who have failed a course due to a serious personal circumstance (e.g., compassionate or medical) may apply for a retroactive withdrawal. A retroactive withdrawal results in a change to the academic record and can be justified only on serious personal circumstances rather than academic grounds. The retroactive withdrawal request must be submitted in writing to the Associate Dean Academic and be accompanied by supporting documentation. Retroactive withdrawal requests will be reviewed by the Undergraduate Academic Affairs Committee (UAAC).

Serious personal circumstances may include:

  • Medical grounds: the student must have personally experienced a medical illness, injury, or a detrimental impact resulting from treatment or changes in treatment. Supporting documentation must be from a licensed healthcare provider actively involved in the care and/or management of the student. The documentation must indicate support for the retroactive withdrawal, including the dates for which the assessment and/or support is effective. Depending on the potential impact of the medical grounds, the UAAC may require that the student take a medical leave or provide documented medical clearance before being allowed to reattempt the withdrawn course.
  • Compassionate grounds: a distressing incident or life event, or personal emergency, outside the student's control that negatively impacted their ability to successfully complete the course.

In the retroactive withdrawal request the student must clearly state:

  • The course(s) from which they are applying to be retroactively withdrawn
  • The personal circumstance that led to the failing grade
  • Why a withdrawal during the course was not requested
  • A plan of action for the reattempt of the course(s), where applicable

Requests for a retroactive withdrawal will not be reviewed if all required components are not submitted.

Except in exceptional circumstances, requests for retroactive withdrawals must be submitted to the Associate Dean Academic not later than 30 calendar days from receipt of the final grade in the course for which the retroactive withdrawal is being requested.