The Environmental Science program explores the relationships between environmental constraints and sustainable development with an emphasis on prairie agriculture and forestry. The major emphasis of Environmental Science courses is on practical field experience in Prairie and Boreal Forest environments and on laboratory analysis and computer-based interpretation of results. Environmental Science courses are complemented by courses in environmental policy, environmental assessment, environmental quality, and agriculture and the environment.
Students transferring under an articulation agreement, or who have been granted block transfer credit must take a prescribed set of courses. For additional information, or to determine eligibility for block transfer, contact the Director of Academic and Student Services in the Dean's Office, College of Agriculture and Bioresources.
Minimum Requirements for Degree (120 credit units)
Direct entry students are required to select a minor in one of the fields of specialization within the College or an approved cross-college minor. Block transfer students do not require a minor but instead must take a prescribed number of courses from a list of approved restricted electives.
Year 1 (30 credit units)
- AGRC 110.3
- AGRC 111.3
- AGRC 112.3
- AGRC 113.3
- AREC 220.3 or INDG 107.3
- BIOL 120.3
- BIOL 121.3 or EVSC 110.3
- CHEM 112.3
- CHEM 115.3 or CHEM 250.3
Choose 3 credit units from the areas of Social Science, Humanities or Fine Arts:
- CHIN — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- CLAS — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- CREE — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- ENG — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- FREN — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- GERM — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- HEB — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- HIST — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- HNDI — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- INTS — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- JPNS — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- LATN — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- LIT — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- PHIL — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- RLST — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- RUSS — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- SNSK — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- SPAN — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- UKR — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- WGST — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- Certain WGST courses may be considered a Humanities and/or Social Science. Refer to the Class Search.
- MUS 111 is acceptable toward the Humanities requirement.
Social Sciences
- ANTH — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- ARCH — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- ECON — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- GEOG 130.3
- INDG — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- IS — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- LING — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- PLAN — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- POLS — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- PSY — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- SOC — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- SOSC — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- WGST — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
Any senior-level social science course, provided the prerequisite is met. Please note that certain GEOG courses are considered Science courses. Refer to the Class Search.
Statistics courses in social sciences are not accepted for credit toward the Social Science Requirement (eg. ECON 204, PSY 233, PSY 234, SOC 225 and SOC 325).
Certain WGST courses may be considered a Humanities and/or Social Science. Refer to the Class Search.
Fine Arts
- ART — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- ARTH — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- DRAM — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- MUS — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
Year 2 (30 credit units)
- EVSC 203.3
- EVSC 210.3
- EVSC 220.3
- FABS 212.3 OR BMSC 210.3
- GEOL 206.3 or GEOG 120.3
- MATH 104.3 or MATH 110.3 or MATH 125.3
- PLSC 213.3
- PLSC 214.3 or STAT 245.3
English Language Writing Requirement
Choose 3 credit units from the following:
- ANTH 302.3
- ANTH 306.3
- ANTH 310.3
- ANTH 421.3
- CPSJ 203.3
- ENG 111.3
- ENG 112.3
- ENG 113.3
- ENG 114.3
- ENG 120.3
- HIST 115.3
- HIST 125.3
- HIST 135.3
- HIST 145.3
- HIST 155.3
- HIST 165.3
- HIST 175.3
- HIST 185.3
- HIST 193.3
- HIST 194.3
- PHIL 120.3
- PHIL 121.3
- PHIL 133.3
- PHIL 208.3
- PHIL 233.3
- POLS 245.3
- POLS 323.3
- POLS 328.3
- POLS 333.3
- POLS 336.3
- POLS 422.3
- POLS 461.3
- PSY 323.3
- PSY 355.3
- RLST 280.3
- RLST 362.3
Open Electives
- Choose 3 credit units open electives
Years 3 & 4 (60 credit units)
- GEOG 222.3
Choose 3 credit units from the following:
Selection will depend upon the student’s area of interest.
- EVSC 485.3
- ENVS 401.3
- EVSC 492.3
- EVSC 494.6
- RRM 421.6
Choose 3 credit units of Environmental Policy from the following:
- AREC 238.3
- ECON 275.3
- ECON 277.3
- GEOG 280.3
Choose 3 credit units of Environmental Risk Assessment from the following:
- ENVE 381.3
- GEOG 235.3
- GEOG 386.3
- TOX 301.3
- TOX 321.3
Choose 6 credit units of Environmental Quality from the following:
- CHEM 375.3
- EVSC 421.3
- GEOG 225.3
- GEOG 233.3
- GEOG 325.3
- GEOG 333.3
- GEOL 229.3
- SLSC 350.3
Choose 3 credit units Field Courses from the following:
- EVSC 380.3
- SLSC 480.3 or SLSC 460.3
Choose 6 credit units of Agriculture and the Environment from the following:
- ANBI 375.3
- ENVE 432.3
- EVSC 202.3
- PLSC 201.3 or PLSC 222.3
- PLSC 401.3
- PLSC 422.3
- PLSC 425.3
- SLSC 312.3
Choose 6 credit units from the following:
- SLSC 232.3
- SLSC 313.3
- SLSC 322.3
- SLSC 342.3
- SLSC 444.3
Choose 12 credit units of restricted electives:
Direct entry students are required to select a minor in one of the fields of specialization within the College or an approved cross-college minor. Completion of the minor requirements will satisfy the Restricted Electives requirement. Students transferring under a block transfer agreement with another college or institution do not require a minor but instead must take a prescribed number of courses from a list of approved restricted electives. For a list of these classes see the Block Transfer section below.
Open Electives
- Choose 15 credit units open electives