Biology, Development and Health ("BD&H"): This stream emphasizes health in the context of the development of the human being from the cellular and biosystems levels to the level of human health experience. Students focusing on this stream will explore basic biological and physiological processes and how these influence healthy social and emotional development throughout the life span.

A. Biology, Development and Health

No more than 6 credit units from one subject may be used in Requirements J1, J2, and J3.

J1 College Requirement (9 credit units)

English Language Requirement

Choose 3 credit units from the following:

  • ENG 110.6
  • ENG 111.3
  • ENG 112.3
  • ENG 113.3
  • ENG 114.3
  • ENG 120.3

If ENG 110 is chosen, 3 credit units will be used to fulfill the Arts Distribution Requirement (J3).

Indigenous Learning

Choose 3 credit units from the following:

  • ANTH 202.3
  • ANTH 350.3
  • DRAM 111.3
  • ENG 242.3
  • ENG 243.3
  • ENG 335.3
  • ENG 338.3
  • GEOG 465.3
  • HIST 195.3
  • HIST 257.3 (may only be used if taken in 2022-23 or later)
  • HIST 266.3
  • HIST 315.3
  • HIST 316.3
  • INDG 107.3 (Recommended for Option D)
  • LING 114.3
  • LING 253.3
  • PLAN 445.3
  • POLS 222.3
  • INDG — 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level

Quantitative Reasoning

Choose 3 credit units from the following:

J2 Science Distribution Requirement (15 credit units)

  • BIOL 120.3
  • BIOL 121.3
  • CHEM 112.3
  • CHEM 250.3

Choose 3 credit units from the following:

  • GEOG 120.3
  • GEOL 121.3
  • GEOL 122.3
  • PHYS 115.3

J3 Arts Distribution Requirement (12 credit units)

Choose 6 credit units from the following:

Note that many of the required courses described below have first year prerequisites. ANTH 111.3, ECON 111.3, GEOG 130.3, 3 credit units 100-level HIST, SOC 111.3, SOC 112.3, WGST 112.3 are recommended options.

If selected in College Requirement J1, 3 credit units of ENG 110.6 will be counted here.

  • ANTH 111.3
  • ANTH 112.3
  • ANTH 116.3
  • ART 110.3
  • ART 122.3
  • ART 123.3
  • ART 124.3
  • ART 125.3
  • ART 136.3
  • ART 141.3
  • ART 151.3
  • ART 152.3
  • ART 161.3
  • ARTH 120.3
  • ARTH 121.3
  • CHIN 114.3
  • CHIN 117.3
  • CLAS 110.3
  • CLAS 111.3
  • CMRS 110.3
  • CMRS 111.3
  • CREE 101.6
  • CREE 120.6
  • DENE 110.3
  • DRAM 101.3
  • DRAM 108.3
  • DRAM 110.3
  • DRAM 111.3
  • DRAM 113.3
  • DRAM 118.3 
  • DRAM 119.3 
  • DRAM 121.3
  • ECON 111.3
  • ECON 114.3
  • ENG 110.6
  • ENG 111.3
  • ENG 112.3
  • ENG 113.3
  • ENG 114.3
  • ENG 120.3
  • FREN 103.3
  • FREN 106.3
  • FREN 122.3
  • FREN 125.3
  • GEOG 130.3
  • GEOG 150.3
  • GERM 114.3
  • GERM 117.3
  • GRK 113.3
  • HEB 114.3
  • HEB 117.3
  • HIST 115.3
  • HIST 125.3
  • HIST 135.3
  • HIST 145.3
  • HIST 155.3
  • HIST 165.3
  • HIST 175.3
  • HIST 185.3
  • HIST 193.3
  • HIST 194.3
  • HIST 195.3
  • INDG 107.3
  • LATN 112.3
  • LATN 113.3
  • LING 110.3
  • LING 111.3
  • LING 112.3
  • LING 114.3
  • LIT 110.3
  • LIT 111.3
  • MUS 101.3
  • MUS 102.3
  • MUS 104.3
  • MUS 111.3
  • MUS 112.3
  • MUS 120.2
  • MUS 121.2
  • MUS 133.3
  • MUS 134.3
  • MUS 155.3
  • MUS 156.3
  • MUS 175.3
  • MUS 184.3
  • PHIL 110.6
  • PHIL 115.3
  • PHIL 120.3
  • PHIL 133.3
  • PHIL 140.3
  • POLS 110.3
  • POLS 111.3
  • POLS 112.3
  • RLST 111.3
  • RLST 112.3
  • RLST 113.3
  • SNSK 114.3
  • SNSK 117.3
  • SOC 111.3
  • SOC 112.3
  • SPAN 114.3
  • SPAN 117.3
  • UKR 114.3
  • UKR 117.3
  • WGST 112.3
  • Any senior-level fine arts, humanities or social sciences course, provided that the prerequisite is met and not more than 6 credit units in one subject are used for the Arts Distribution Requirement.
  • CLAS 101.3, CLAS 103.3, CLAS 104.3, CLAS 105.3, CLAS 107.3, and CLAS 203.3 may not be used to fulfill the Arts Distribution Requirement.
  • Statistics courses in social sciences are not accepted for credit toward the Arts Distribution Requirement (e.g. PSY 233.3, PSY 234.3, SOC 225.3 and SOC 325.3).

J4 Major Requirement (57 credit units)

  • HLST 110.3
  • HLST 210.3
  • HLST 310.3

Students must choose one of the options upon entering the Health Studies program. Concentration within a stream of study, including specific clusters of courses, facilitates depth in specific areas, thus facilitating job training in particular areas or further study in specific disciplines. The approved courses within each stream are listed, but other appropriate courses may be jointly approved by the Program Chair and the Undergraduate Student Office.

Option A: Biology, Development and Health (48 credit units)

Biology, Development and Health ("BD&H"): This stream emphasizes health in the context of the development of the human being from the cellular and biosystems levels to the level of human health experience. Students focusing on this stream will explore basic biological and physiological processes and how these influence healthy social and emotional development throughout the life span.

Within Option A, students must take courses from at least 4 subjects.

A1. Choose one of the following Science clusters (12 credit units):

At least 3 credit units must be at the 300-level or higher.

*Students with credit for BMSC 207 or BMSC 208 (formerly PHSI 208.6) may not subsequently receive credit for BIOL 224. Students may receive credit for all of BIOL 224 and BMSC 207 and BMSC 208 only if BIOL 224 is completed first, or if BIOL 224 and BMSC 207 are taken concurrently. BIOL 224 is a prerequisite for a number of senior Biology courses including BIOL 317; BMSC 207 and BMSC 208 are prerequisites for most 300-level CPPS and NEUR courses.

i. Development and Body Systems:

  • BIOL 224.3 or BMSC 208.3* (BMSC 208.3 requires BMSC 207.3 as a prerequisite. This course may be used to fulfill A4 or A5 below.)
  • BIOL 226.3

Choose one of the following:

1) BMSC 220.3 (BMSC 220 requires BMSC 200.3 as a prerequisite. This course may be used to fulfill A5 below.) and CPPS 330.3;

2) Any two of BIOL 317.3BIOL 418.3, or BIOL 361.3;

3) Any two of CPPS 302.3CPPS 303.3, or CPPS 310.3

ii. Neuroscience:

  • Any two of NEUR 301.3, BIOL 317.3, or NEUR 350.3
  • BIOL 224.3 or BMSC 208.3* (BMSC 208.3 requires BMSC 207.3 as a prerequisite. This course may be used to fulfill A4 or A5 below.)
  • One of BIOL 430.3 or NEUR 404.3 (NEUR 404 requires CPPS 306.3 or PHPY 305.3 as prerequisites in addition to the NEUR courses listed here. These courses may be used to fulfill requirement 5 below.)

A2. Choose one of the following Arts clusters (12 credit units):

3 credit units must be at the 300-level or higher.

i. Developmental Psychology:

  • One of PSY 315.3, PSY 317.3, or PSY 418.3

Choose 9 credit units from the following:

  • PSY 207.3 
  • PSY 213.3 
  • PSY 214.3 
  • PSY 216.3 
  • PSY 223.3 
  • PSY 256.3 
  • PSY 260.3 

ii. Brain and Behaviour:

  • PSY 347.3 or PSY 448.3

Choose 9 credit units from the following:

  • PSY 223.3 
  • PSY 242.3 
  • PSY 246.3 
  • PSY 260.3 

A3. Statistics:

Complete the following statistics requirements:

  • PSY 233.3
  • PSY 234.3

*Students who are not eligible to take PSY 233 or PSY 234 as a result of having previously taken a different Statistics course(s) must consult the Program Chair to determine the effect on their program requirements. Equivalent courses will be accepted, but their designation as Science or Social Science courses may cause the program requirements below to be revised.

A4. Choose 6 credit units from the following "BD&H" Science courses:

At least 3 credit units chosen to fulfill requirements 4, 5 or 6 must be at the 300-level or higher.

*Students with credit for BMSC 207 or BMSC 208 (formerly PHSI 208.6) may not subsequently receive credit for BIOL 224. Students may receive credit for all of BIOL 224 and BMSC 207 and BMSC 208 only if BIOL 224 is completed first, or if BIOL 224 and BMSC 207 are taken concurrently. BIOL 224 is a prerequisite for a number of senior Biology courses including BIOL 317; BMSC 207 and BMSC 208 are prerequisites for most 300-level CPPS and NEUR courses.

  • BIOL 224.3*
  • BIOL 226.3
  • BIOL 317.3
  • BIOL 361.3
  • BIOL 418.3
  • BIOL 430.3
  • BMSC 207.3*
  • BMSC 208.3*
  • BMSC 220.3
  • CPPS 302.3
  • CPPS 303.3
  • CPPS 310.3
  • CPPS 330.3
  • NEUR 301.3
  • NEUR 350.3
  • NEUR 404.3

A5. Choose 6 credit units from the following Health Studies Science courses:

At least 3 credit units chosen to fulfill requirements 4, 5 or 6 must be at the 300-level or higher.

*Students with credit for BMSC 207 or BMSC 208 (formerly PHSI 208.6) may not subsequently receive credit for BIOL 224. Students may receive credit for all of BIOL 224 and BMSC 207 and BMSC 208 only if BIOL 224 is completed first, or if BIOL 224 and BMSC 207 are taken concurrently. BIOL 224 is a prerequisite for a number of senior Biology courses including BIOL 317; BMSC 207 and BMSC 208 are prerequisites for most 300-level CPPS and NEUR courses.

  • BIOL 224.3*
  • BIOL 226.3
  • BIOL 228.3
  • BIOL 314.3
  • BIOL 317.3
  • BIOL 324.3
  • BIOL 361.3
  • BIOL 363.3
  • BIOL 373.3
  • BIOL 410.3
  • BIOL 412.3
  • BIOL 418.3
  • BIOL 430.3
  • BIOL 436.3
  • BIOL 470.3
  • BIOL 475.3
  • BMIS 308.3
  • BMIS 321.3
  • BMIS 423.3
  • BMSC 200.3
  • BMSC 207.3
  • BMSC 208.3
  • BMSC 210.3
  • BMSC 220.3
  • CHEM 375.3
  • CPPS 302.3
  • CPPS 303.3
  • CPPS 304.3
  • CPPS 306.3
  • CPPS 307.3
  • CPPS 310.3
  • CPPS 330.3
  • FABS 110.3
  • FABS 212.3
  • FABS 323.3
  • FABS 325.3
  • FABS 360.3
  • FABS 362.3
  • FABS 371.3
  • FABS 430.3
  • GEOG 233.3
  • GEOG 235.3
  • GEOG 333.3
  • NEUR 301.3
  • NEUR 350.3
  • NEUR 404.3
  • NUTR 120.3
  • TOX 300.3
  • TOX 301.3
  • TOX 302.3
  • TOX 310.3
  • TOX 320.3
  • TOX 321.3
  • TOX 403.3
  • TOX 412.3

A6. Choose 6 credit units from the following Health Studies Arts courses:

At least 3 credit units chosen to fulfill requirements 4, 5 or 6 must be at the 300-level or higher. PHIL 234 is strongly recommended for all students.

  • ANTH 231.3
  • ANTH 270.3
  • ANTH 306.3
  • ANTH 332.3
  • ANTH 370.3
  • ANTH 403.3
  • ANTH 471.3
  • ANTH 472.3
  • ECON 234.3
  • GEOG 222.2
  • GEOG 280.3
  • GEOG 322.3
  • GEOG 348.3
  • GEOG 364.3
  • GEOG 385.3
  • GEOG 386.3
  • GEOG 420.3
  • GEOG 421.3
  • GEOG 465.3
  • HIST 233.3
  • HIST 237.3
  • HIST 273.3
  • HIST 303.3
  • HIST 315.3
  • HIST 333.3
  • HIST 334.3
  • HIST 353.3
  • HIST 365.3
  • HIST 387.3
  • HIST 416.3
  • HIST 484.3
  • HIST 488.3
  • INDG 210.3
  • INDG 221.3
  • INDG 241.3
  • INDG 255.3
  • INDG 256.3
  • INDG 321.3
  • PHIL 224.3
  • PHIL 231.3
  • PHIL 234.3
  • PHIL 294.3
  • PLAN 445.3
  • PSY 207.3
  • PSY 213.3
  • PSY 214.3
  • PSY 216.3
  • PSY 223.3
  • PSY 224.3
  • PSY 226.3
  • PSY 227.3
  • PSY 230.3
  • PSY 236.3
  • PSY 242.3
  • PSY 246.3
  • PSY 253.3
  • PSY 256.3
  • PSY 257.3
  • PSY 260.3
  • PSY 261.3
  • PSY 315.3
  • PSY 316.3
  • PSY 317.3
  • PSY 318.3
  • PSY 323.3
  • PSY 324.3
  • PSY 325.3
  • PSY 347.3
  • PSY 348.3
  • PSY 410.3
  • PSY 411.3
  • PSY 418.3
  • PSY 423.3
  • PSY 425.3
  • PSY 427.3
  • PSY 448.3
  • RLST 282.3
  • SOC 202.3
  • SOC 203.3
  • SOC 204.3
  • SOC 206.3
  • SOC 210.3
  • SOC 211.3
  • SOC 219.3
  • SOC 235.3
  • SOC 238.3
  • SOC 242.3
  • SOC 307.3
  • SOC 319.3
  • SOC 328.3
  • SOC 341.3
  • SOC 344.3
  • SOC 347.3
  • SOC 360.3
  • SOC 402.3
  • SOC 408.3
  • SOC 409.3
  • SOC 412.3
  • SOC 420.3
  • SOC 421.3
  • SOC 428.3

J5 Electives (24 - 27 credit units)


Arts and Science courses, or those from other Colleges that have been approved for Arts and Science credit, to complete the requirements for 120 credit unit Four-year program. Of the 120 credit units required at least 66 must be at the 200-level or higher.

If you require further assistance, please contact the Arts & Science Undergraduate Student Office.