No more than 6 credit units from one subject may be used in Requirements A1, A2, and A3.
A1 College Requirement (6 credit units)
The English Language Writing requirement for this program is met in the Major Requirement (A4).
Indigenous Learning
Choose 3 credit units from the following:
- ANTH 202.3
- ANTH 350.3
- ANTH 480.3
- DRAM 111.3
- ENG 242.3
- ENG 243.3
- ENG 335.3
- ENG 338.3
- GEOG 465.3
- HIST 195.3
- HIST 257.3 (may only be used if taken in 2022-23 or later)
- HIST 266.3
- HIST 315.3
- HIST 316.3
- INDG 107.3
- LING 114.3
- LING 253.3
- PLAN 445.3
- POLS 222.3
- INDG — 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
Quantitative Reasoning
Choose 3 credit units from the following:
- ASTR 113.3
- CMPT 140.3
- ECON 111.3
- ECON 114.3
- MATH 101.3
- MATH 102.3
- MATH 104.3
- MATH 110.3
- MATH 121.3
- MATH 125.3
- MATH 133.4
- MATH 150.3
- MATH 163.3
- MATH 164.3
- MATH 176.3
- MATH 177.3
- STAT 103.3
- STAT 244.3
- STAT 246.3
- PHYS 115.3
- PSY 233.3
- SOC 225.3
A2 Breadth Requirement (12 credit units)
Choose 12 credit units from the following areas, with a minimum of 3 credit units from each of Science and Social Sciences:
- ART 110.3
- ART 122.3
- ART 123.3
- ART 124.3
- ART 125.3
- ART 136.3
- ART 141.3
- ART 151.3
- ART 152.3
- ART 161.3
- ARTH 120.3
- ARTH 121.3
- DRAM 101.3
- DRAM 108.3
- DRAM 110.3
- DRAM 111.3
- DRAM 113.3
- DRAM 118.3
- DRAM 119.3
- DRAM 121.3
- MUS 101.3
- MUS 102.3
- MUS 104.3
- MUS 111.3
- MUS 112.3
- MUS 120.2
- MUS 121.2
- MUS 125.1
- MUS 133.3
- MUS 134.3
- MUS 155.3
- MUS 156.3
- MUS 175.3
- MUS 184.3
- Any senior-level fine arts course provided that the prerequisite is met.
- ASTR 102.3
- ASTR 104.3
- ASTR 113.3
- BINF 151.3
- BIOL 107.6
- BIOL 120.3
- BIOL 121.3
- CHEM 112.3
- CHEM 115.3
- CMPT 100.3
- CMPT 120.3
- CMPT 140.3
- CMPT 141.3
- CMPT 145.3
- GEOG 110.3
- GEOG 120.3
- GEOL 108.3
- GEOL 109.3
- GEOL 121.3
- GEOL 122.3
- MATH 104.3
- MATH 110.3
- MATH 116.3
- MATH 121.3
- MATH 125.3
- MATH 163.3
- MATH 164.3
- MATH 176.3
- MATH 177.3
- PHYS 115.3
- PHYS 117.3 or PHYS 125.3
- STAT 103.3
- Any senior-level science course provided the prerequisite is met.
- MATH 102 and STAT 244 are not eligible to be used in this requirement.
- ANTH 111.3
- ANTH 112.3
- ANTH 116.3
- ECON 111.3
- ECON 114.3
- GEOG 130.3
- GEOG 150.3
- HLST 110.3
- INDG 107.3
- LING 111.3
- LING 112.3
- LING 113.3
- LING 114.3
- POLS 110.3
- POLS 111.3
- POLS 112.3
- PSY 120.3
- PSY 121.3
- SOC 111.3
- SOC 112.3
- WGST 112.3
- Any senior-level social science course provided that the prerequisite is met.
- Statistics courses in social sciences are not eligible for use in this requirement (e.g. PSY 233, PSY 234, SOC 225 and SOC 325).
- CPSJ 112.3
- CPSJ 203.3
- INTS 110.3
- INTS 111.3
- INTS 380.3
A3 Cognate Requirement (15 credit units)
Choose 6 credit units from the following Language courses:
- ARBC 114.3
- ARBC 117.3
- CHIN 114.3
- CHIN 117.3
- CREE 101.6
- CREE 110.3
- CREE 120.6
- ENG 110.6
- ENG 111.3
- ENG 112.3
- ENG 113.3
- ENG 114.3
- ENG 120.3
- ESL 115.3
- ESL 116.3
- FREN 103.3
- FREN 106.3
- FREN 122.3
- FREN 125.3
- FREN 218.3
- GERM 114.3
- GERM 117.3
- GRK 112.3
- GRK 113.3
- HEB 114.3
- HEB 117.3
- HNDI 114.3
- HNDI 117.3
- JPNS 114.3
- JPNS 117.3
- LATN 112.3
- LATN 113.3
- LIT 110.3
- LIT 111.3
- SNSK 114.3
- SNSK 117.3
- SPAN 114.3
- SPAN 117.3
- UKR 114.3
- UKR 117.3
- Any senior-level language course provided that the prerequisite is met.
Choose 3 credit units from the following:
- ARBC 114.3
- ARBC 117.3
- CHIN 114.3
- CHIN 117.3
- CREE 101.6
- CREE 110.3
- CREE 120.6
- ESL 115.3
- ESL 116.3
- FREN 103.3
- FREN 106.3
- FREN 122.3
- FREN 125.3
- GERM 114.3
- GERM 117.3
- GRK 112.3
- GRK 113.3
- HEB 114.3
- HEB 117.3
- HNDI 114.3
- HNDI 117.3
- JPNS 114.3
- JPNS 117.3
- LATN 112.3
- LATN 113.3
- SNSK 114.3
- SNSK 117.3
- SPAN 114.3
- SPAN 117.3
- UKR 114.3
- UKR 117.3
- Any senior-level language course provided that the prerequisite is met
Choose 6 credit units from the following Humanities courses:
- ARBC 114.3
- ARBC 117.3
- CHIN 114.3
- CHIN 117.3
- CLAS 110.3
- CLAS 111.3
- CMRS 110.3
- CMRS 111.3
- CREE 101.6
- CREE 110.3
- ENG 110.6
- ENG 111.3
- ENG 112.3
- ENG 113.3
- ENG 114.3
- ENG 120.3
- ESL 115.3
- ESL 116.3
- FREN 103.3
- FREN 106.3
- FREN 122.3
- FREN 125.3
- FREN 160.3
- FREN 218.3
- GERM 114.3
- GERM 117.3
- GRK 112.3
- GRK 113.3
- HEB 114.3
- HEB 117.3
- HIST 115.3
- HIST 125.3
- HIST 135.3
- HIST 145.3
- HIST 155.3
- HIST 165.3
- HIST 175.3
- HIST 185.3
- HIST 193.3
- HIST 194.3
- HNDI 114.3
- HNDI 117.3
- JPNS 114.3
- JPNS 117.3
- LATN 112.3
- LATN 113.3
- LING 110.3
- LING 113.3
- LIT 110.3
- LIT 111.3
- MUS 111.3
- MUS 112.3
- PHIL 110.6
- PHIL 115.3
- PHIL 120.3
- PHIL 121.3
- PHIL 133.3
- PHIL 140.3
- RLST 111.3
- RLST 112.3
- RLST 113.3
- SNSK 114.3
- SNSK 117.3
- SPAN 114.3
- SPAN 117.3
- UKR 114.3
- UKR 117.3
- WGST 112.3
- Any senior-level humanities course, excluding courses in the area of the major, provided that the prerequisite is met
- Refer to the course descriptions. CLAS 101.3, CLAS 103.3, CLAS 104.3, CLAS 105.3, CLAS 107.3, CLAS 203.3, and MUS 101.3 may not be used to fulfill this requirement.
A4 Major Requirement (30 credit units)
Of the total credit units required, at least 6 credit units must be at the 300-level or higher.
Choose 6 credit units from the following:
Choose 3 credit units from the following:
- PHIL 206.3
- PHIL 209.3
- PHIL 210.3
- PHIL 211.3
- PHIL 215.3
- PHIL 218.3
- PHIL 219.3
- PHIL 306.3
- PHIL 312.3
- PHIL 313.3
- PHIL 314.3
- PHIL 315.3
- PHIL 319.3
- PHIL 412.3
Choose 3 credit units from the following:
- PHIL 226.3
- PHIL 231.3
- PHIL 233.3
- PHIL 234.3
- PHIL 235.3
- PHIL 236.3
- PHIL 237.3
- PHIL 238.3
- PHIL 262.3
- PHIL 271.3
- PHIL 333.3
- PHIL 337.3
- PHIL 362.3
- PHIL 433.3
- Other Philosophy courses approved by the STM Philosophy Department Head
Choose 9 credit units from the following:
A5 Electives Requirement (27 credit units)
Arts and Science courses, or those from other colleges that have been approved for Arts and Science credit, to complete the requirements for the 90 credit unit Three-year program, of which at least 42 must be at the 200 or higher level and no more than 42 in one subject.