The Minor in Spanish may be completed in conjunction with any degree in another discipline in the College of Arts and Science. Students who have chosen Spanish as their Primary Language in the Modern Languages program may not also earn the Minor in Spanish.

The Minor average in Spanish will be calculated using the grades earned in all courses eligible to be included in the Minor program requirements. Students must complete at least two-thirds of the program requirements (rounded to the nearest highest multiple of 3 credit units) using courses offered by the University of Saskatchewan to meet the Residency requirement.

Requirements (24 credit units)

Students with advanced standing who start their university studies with SPAN 214.3, SPAN 217.3 must take an additional 6 credit units of courses from the remaining list to complete a Minor.

An average of at least 62.5% is required in the courses used for the Minor.

  • SPAN 114.3
  • SPAN 117.3
  • SPAN 214.3
  • SPAN 217.3
  • SPAN 314.3
  • SPAN 317.3

Choose 6 credit units from the following:

  • SPAN — 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level