Please see the  Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) Secondary Teaching Areas for a list of courses that count towards the Secondary Teaching Areas 1 and 2 requirements.

Year 1 (27 credit units)

Education Learning Communities

Fall Term

Winter Term

Education Courses

  • EFDT 101.3

External Course Requirements

  • INTS 100.3

Choose 3 credit units of Indigenous Studies

INDG 107.3 is recommended.

If Indigenous Studies or Social Sciences/Social Studies is a Teaching Area, replace with 3 credit units of 100- to 400-level Open Electives.

Choose 6 credit units of English:

  • ENG — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level

If English Language Arts is a Teaching Area, replace with 3 credit units of 100- to 400-level Open Electives.

Choose 6 credit units from the following:

If Social Sciences/Social Studies is a Teaching Area, students may choose up to 6 credit units of the following Indigenous Languages courses to meet the Social Sciences/Social Studies requirement:

Choose 6 credit units from the following:

If Social Sciences/Social Studies is a Teaching Area, students may choose up to 6 credit units of the following Indigenous Languages courses to meet the Social Sciences/Social Studies requirement:

Year 2 (33 credit units)

Education Courses

  • ECUR 200.3
  • EPSE 202.3
  • EDST 321.3
  • EFDT 301.3
  • EFDT 313.3

External Course Requirements

Choose 6 senior level credit units from the following:

If Social Sciences/Social Studies is a Teaching Area, students may choose up to 6 credit units of the following Indigenous Languages courses to meet the Social Sciences/Social Studies requirement:

Choose 6 senior level credit units from the following:

If Social Sciences/Social Studies is a Teaching Area, students may choose up to 6 credit units of the following Indigenous Languages courses to meet the Social Sciences/Social Studies requirement:

Choose 6 credit units of open electives from the following:

  • Open Elective 100-400 level (Open Electives are either education or academic courses and must be compiled using 3 or 6 credit unit courses)

Year 3 (36 credit units)

External Course Requirements

Choose 12 credit units from the following:

If Social Sciences/Social Studies is a Teaching Area, students may choose up to 6 credit units of the following Indigenous Languages courses to meet the Social Sciences/Social Studies requirement:

Choose 3 credit units from the following:

If Social Sciences/Social Studies is a Teaching Area, students may choose up to 6 credit units of the following Indigenous Languages courses to meet the Social Sciences/Social Studies requirement:

Choose 3 credit units from the following:

(Not required for a Teaching Area 2 of Practical and Applied Arts.)

  • External Electives 100-400 level (must be compiled using 3 or 6 credit unit courses)

Education Courses

  • ECUR 320.3
  • ECUR 325.3
  • EDST 322.3
  • EPSE 348.3

Choose 6 credit units of Education methods courses (3 credit units of Teaching Area 1 methods and 3 credit units of Teaching Area 2 methods*) from the following:

  • EART 331.3
  • ECUR 318.3
  • ECUR 326.3
  • ECUR 349.3
  • ECUR 357.3 (Teaching Area 1 only; B.Sc. Kinesiology graduates only)
  • ECUR 362.3
  • ECUR 379.3
  • ECUR 386.3

*If Practical and Applied Arts (PAA) is your Teaching Area 2, enroll in 6 credit units of Teaching Area 2 methods: ECUR 340.3 and ECUR 341.3.

Year 4 (24 credit units)

Choose an Extended Practicum option from the following:

  • EXPR 422.15 
  • EXPR 423.3 AND EXPR 425.12
  • EXPR 424.3 AND EXPR 425.12

Education Courses

  • EADM 303.3
  • EPSE 390.3

Choose 3 credit units from the following:

  • EADM 411.3
  • ECUR 411.3
  • EFDT 411.3
  • EPSE 411.3