No more than 6 credit units from one subject may be used in Requirements D1, D2, and D3.
D1 College Requirement (9 credit units)
English Language Writing
Choose 3 credit units from the following:
- ANTH 302.3
- ANTH 306.3
- ANTH 310.3
- ANTH 421.3
- CMRS 110.3
- CMRS 111.3
- CPSJ 203.3
- ENG 110.6
- ENG 111.3
- ENG 112.3
- ENG 113.3
- ENG 114.3
- ENG 120.3
- ENG 210.3
- ENG 211.3
- ENG 212.3
- ENG 213.3
- ENG 394.3
- ESL 116.3
- HIST 115.3
- HIST 125.3
- HIST 135.3
- HIST 145.3
- HIST 155.3
- HIST 165.3
- HIST 175.3
- HIST 185.3
- HIST 193.3
- HIST 194.3
- MUS 155.3
- PHIL 115.3
- PHIL 120.3
- PHIL 121.3
- PHIL 133.3
- PHIL 208.3
- PHIL 233.3
- POLS 236.3
- POLS 237.3
- PSY 323.3
- PSY 355.3
- RLST 280.3
- RLST 362.3
Indigenous Learning
Choose 3 credit units from the following:
- ANTH 202.3
- ANTH 350.3
- ANTH 480.3
- DRAM 111.3
- ENG 242.3
- ENG 243.3
- ENG 335.3
- ENG 338.3
- GEOG 465.3
- HIST 195.3
- HIST 257.3 (may only be used if taken in 2022-23 or later)
- HIST 266.3
- HIST 315.3
- HIST 316.3
- INDG 107.3
- LING 114.3
- LING 253.3
- PLAN 445.3
- POLS 222.3
- INDG — 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
Quantitative Reasoning
Choose 3 credit units from the following:
- CMPT 140.3
- ECON 111.3
- ECON 114.3
- MATH 101.3
- MATH 102.3
- MATH 104.3
- MATH 110.3
- MATH 121.3
- MATH 125.3
- MATH 133.4
- MATH 150.3
- MATH 163.3
- MATH 164.3
- MATH 176.3
- MATH 177.3
- STAT 103.3
- STAT 244.3
- STAT 246.3
- PHYS 115.3
- PSY 233.3
- SOC 225.3
D2 Breadth Requirement (15 credit units)
Choose 9 credit units from the following areas, with a minimum of 3 credit units from each:
- ARBC 114.3
- ARBC 117.3
- CHIN 114.3
- CHIN 117.3
- CLAS 110.3
- CLAS 111.3
- CMRS 110.3
- CMRS 111.3
- CREE 101.6
- CREE 110.3
- ENG 110.6
- ENG 111.3
- ENG 112.3
- ENG 113.3
- ENG 114.3
- ENG 120.3
- ESL 115.3
- ESL 116.3
- FREN 103.3
- FREN 106.3
- FREN 122.3
- FREN 125.3
- FREN 160.3
- FREN 218.3
- GERM 114.3
- GERM 117.3
- GRK 112.3
- GRK 113.3
- HEB 114.3
- HEB 117.3
- HIST 115.3
- HIST 125.3
- HIST 135.3
- HIST 145.3
- HIST 155.3
- HIST 165.3
- HIST 175.3
- HIST 185.3
- HIST 193.3
- HIST 194.3
- HNDI 114.3
- HNDI 117.3
- JPNS 114.3
- JPNS 117.3
- LATN 112.3
- LATN 113.3
- LING 110.3
- LING 113.3
- LIT 110.3
- LIT 111.3
- MUS 101.3
- MUS 111.3
- MUS 112.3
- PHIL 110.6
- PHIL 115.3
- PHIL 120.3
- PHIL 121.3
- PHIL 133.3
- PHIL 140.3
- RLST 111.3
- RLST 112.3
- RLST 113.3
- SNSK 114.3
- SNSK 117.3
- SPAN 114.3
- SPAN 117.3
- UKR 114.3
- UKR 117.3
- WGST 112.3
- Any senior-level humanities course provided that the prerequisite is met.
- CLAS 101, CLAS 103, CLAS 104, CLAS 105, CLAS 107 and CLAS 203 are not eligible for use in this requirement.
- ARBC 114.3
- ARBC 117.3
- CHIN 114.3
- CHIN 117.3
- CREE 101.6
- CREE 110.3
- CREE 120.6
- DENE 110.3
- ENG 110.6
- ENG 111.3
- ENG 112.3
- ENG 113.3
- ENG 114.3
- ENG 120.3
- ESL 115.3
- ESL 116.3
- FREN 103.3
- FREN 106.3
- FREN 122.3
- FREN 125.3
- GERM 114.3
- GERM 117.3
- GRK 112.3
- GRK 113.3
- HEB 114.3
- HEB 117.3
- HNDI 114.3
- HNDI 117.3
- JPNS 114.3
- JPNS 117.3
- LATN 112.3
- LATN 113.3
- LIT 110.3
- LIT 111.3
- SNSK 114.3
- SNSK 117.3
- SPAN 114.3
- SPAN 117.3
- UKR 114.3
- UKR 117.3
- Any senior-level language course provided that the prerequisite is met.
Choose 3 credit units from the following:
- ASTR 102.3
- ASTR 104.3
- ASTR 113.3
- BINF 151.3
- BIOL 107.6
- BIOL 120.3
- BIOL 121.3
- CHEM 112.3
- CHEM 115.3
- CMPT 100.3
- CMPT 120.3
- CMPT 140.3
- CMPT 141.3
- CMPT 145.3
- GEOG 120.3
- GEOG 125.3
- GEOL 108.3
- GEOL 109.3
- GEOL 121.3
- GEOL 122.3
- MATH 104.3
- MATH 110.3
- MATH 116.3
- MATH 121.3
- MATH 125.3
- MATH 163.3
- MATH 164.3
- MATH 176.3
- MATH 177.3
- PHYS 115.3
- PHYS 117.3 or PHYS 125.3
- STAT 103.3
- Any senior-level science course provided the prerequisite is met.
- MATH 102 and STAT 244 are not eligible to be used in this requirement.
Choose 3 credit units from the following:
- ANTH 111.3
- ANTH 112.3
- ANTH 116.3
- ECON 111.3
- ECON 114.3
- GEOG 130.3
- GEOG 150.3
- HLST 110.3
- INDG 107.3
- LING 111.3
- LING 112.3
- LING 113.3
- LING 114.3
- POLS 110.3
- POLS 111.3
- POLS 112.3
- PSY 120.3
- PSY 121.3
- SOC 111.3
- SOC 112.3
- WGST 112.3
- Any senior-level social science course provided that the prerequisite is met.
- Statistics courses in social sciences are not eligible for use in this requirement (e.g. PSY 233, PSY 234, SOC 225 and SOC 325).
D3 Cognate Requirement (6 credit units)
Choose 6 credit units from the following:
*Please note that DRAM 121 cannot be used to satisfy this requirement.
- DRAM 101.3
- DRAM 104.6
- DRAM 110.3
- DRAM 113.3
- DRAM 118.3
- DRAM 119.3
- MUS 101.3
- MUS 111.3
- MUS 112.3
- MUS 120.2
- MUS 121.2
- MUS 133.3
- MUS 134.3
- MUS 155.3
- MUS 156.3
- MUS 184.3
- Any senior-level fine arts course, excluding ART and ARTH courses, provided that the prerequisite is met.
D4 Major Requirement (30 credit units)
- ARTH 120.3
- ARTH 121.3
Choose 24 senior credit units from the following:
- ART 340.3
- ARTH — 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- CLAS 240.3
- CLAS 242.3
- ENG 307.3
- HIST 308.6
- HIST 433.6
- WGST 324.3
Choose 6 credit units from the following:
- ART — 100-Level
D5 Electives Requirement (30 credit units)
Courses to complete the requirements for 90 credit unit Three-year program. Of the 90 credit units required at least 42 must be at the 200-level or higher and no more than 42 in one subject. Art History and Studio Art are considered separate subject areas.
If you require further assistance, please contact the Arts & Science Undergraduate Student Office.
- PHIL 271.3 Aesthetics is a recommended elective