Please note that no new students will be accepted to the Honours program in Art History in 2025-26. Students already accepted to this program will be allowed to complete. Please consult with the School for the Arts and/or the Undergraduate Student Office for more information.

New students will be accepted to the Double Honours, Four-year, and Three-year programs in Art History in 2024-25.

This discipline examines histories of the visual arts which include photography, sculpture, painting, button blankets, architecture, video, performances, installation, film, and digital imaging, among other media. The interrelations of the visual arts, popular culture, lived cultures, and social structures are the focus of investigation.

Art History and Studio Art are considered separate subject areas. Consequently, students may take a maximum of 60 credit units for the B.A. Four-year program in each of these subject areas and 42 credit units for the B.A. Three-year program.

Program majors are strongly encouraged to declare a major as early as possible in their program.  This will help facilitate course registration. Students are encouraged to consult with the school regarding course selection, as many courses are not offered every year.

Major Average

The major average in Art History programs includes the grades earned in:

  • All ART and ARTH courses taken

Residency Requirements in the Major

To receive a degree in Art History, students must complete at least two-thirds of the following coursework (to the nearest highest multiple of 3 credit units) from the University of Saskatchewan.

  • Minimum requirements in Major Requirement D4.

See Residency for additional details.
