Classics studies the ancient civilizations of Greece and Rome from the Minoan and Mycenaean ages to the fall of the Roman Empire in the West. Intellectually and artistically the period from Homer (700 BCE) to St Augustine (354-430 CE), in particular, represents one of the most creative eras in human history. Courses in Classics allow students to explore the full range of the ancient Graeco-Roman tradition by examining the history, social mores, literature, philosophy, religion, art, architecture, and archaeology of the different periods of ancient Greek and Roman culture. Knowledge of Latin or Greek is not a prerequisite for CLAS courses, so students can study this material in translation or in the original languages. Greek and Latin courses are listed under their respective subjects in the Course Catalogue
Classical, Medieval and Renaissance Studies is an interdisciplinary program involving Classics and other disciplines. It provides students with a broadly grounded understanding of the evolution and transformation of western civilization between roughly 700 BCE and 1600 CE. It features a combination of required courses (survey, language, and periods) and elective fields (History & Archaeology; Literature, Fine Arts & Language; History of Ideas & Classical Tradition). Students interested in these Four-Year, Honours, and Minor programs should see the separate entry under Classical, Medieval and Renaissance Studies.
The Minor average in Classics will be calculated using the grades earned in all courses eligible to be included in the Minor program requirements. Students must complete at least two-thirds of the program requirements (rounded to the nearest highest multiple of 3 credit units) using courses offered by the University of Saskatchewan to meet the Residency requirement.
Related Language Courses
The College offers courses in Greek, Hebrew, and Latin; for course descriptions see the Course Catalogue.
Requirements (24 credit units)
This minor may be taken in conjunction with any degree in another subject area in the College of Arts & Science.
- CLAS 104.3
- CMRS 110.3
Choose 18 credit units from the following:
No more than 3 credit units from CLAS 101.3, CLAS 103.3, CLAS 105.3, CLAS 107.3 or CLAS 203.3; no more than 9 credit units may be taken in ANTH (formerly ARCH); and no more than 9 credit units may be taken in HIST.
- ANTH 116.3
- ANTH 241.3
- ANTH 252.3
- ANTH 258.3
- ANTH 356.3
- CLAS 101.3
- CLAS 103.3
- CLAS 105.3
- CLAS 107.3
- CLAS — 200-Level
- GRK — 100-Level, 200-Level
- HIST 203.3
- HIST 204.3
- HIST 208.3
- HIST 209.3
- HIST 217.3
- HIST 273.3
- HIST 301.3
- HIST 302.3
- HIST 305.3
- HIST 308.6
- HIST 320.3
- HIST 335.3
- HIST 473.3
- LATN — 100-Level, 200-Level
- PHIL 208.3
- PHIL 209.3
- Special topics courses in the listed subjects, with prior permission of the CMRS Director