Students interested in the origin, evolution, and future of the Earth, and who wish to obtain a better understanding of the physical, chemical and biological processes that affect the development of the Earth System should consider a degree program within the Department of Geological Sciences.

Students who intend to specialize in geology or geophysics should pursue a four-year program leading to the B.Sc. Four-year or Honours degree. The four-year programs in geology and geophysics meet the minimum requirement for employment in industry and, if sufficiently high standards are attained, for advancement to postgraduate studies. In most cases, graduates will also qualify for registration as Professional Geoscientists in the Province of Saskatchewan. However, students are strongly advised to familiarize themselves with APEGS requirements and to seek advice from an advisor in the Department. 

Degree Requirements

The Department of Geological Sciences is committed to delivering its courses to all qualified students admitted to its majors to the extent that the department’s resources will allow. However, depending on resources, the department may have to restrict access to all senior-level Geology courses. This restriction may be by registration through departmental permission only, with priority given to qualified students in the department’s majors who require the course(s) as part of their degree program as set out in the Course & Program Catalogue and meet minimum academic standards as defined by the department.

Therefore, students wishing to enrol in 200-level GEOL courses must have attained a minimum final grade of at least 65% in either GEOL 121 or GEOL 122 and meet the progression average of 62.5% for all geoscience courses designated as part of their major. Meeting the minimum averages does not guarantee registration access and may still require the department, depending on student numbers and averages, to restrict any student’s registration in any course required for their program and, in some cases, to withdraw the student from registration in senior GEOL courses.

Major Average

 The major average in Geophysics programs includes the grades earned in:

  • All senior courses listed in the Major Requirement C4.
Residency Requirements in the Major

To receive a degree in Geophysics, students must complete at least two-thirds of the following coursework (to the nearest highest multiple of 3 credit units) from the University of Saskatchewan.

  • Minimum senior requirements in Major Requirement C4.

See Residency for additional details.
