The Bachelor of Science Kinesiology/Bachelor of Education Combined Program is a designated 165 credit-unit, five-year undergraduate program. This five-year program is designed for students who intend to teach Physical Education at the Secondary level. At the end of the program, graduates will receive B.Sc.(Kin) and B.Ed. degrees.

Students are required to participate in Learning Communities in the Fall and Winter Terms of years 1 and 2. The aim of Learning Communities is to welcome and to engage students who are working within the College of Education, and to infuse the College of Education with the strength of new ideas and fresh perspectives. Because the teaching profession is guided by the “lived curriculum” of those it serves, Learning Communities create flexible and supportive spaces that involve students in the life of the college, help them to recognize their own needs as learners and as teacher candidates, activate their strengths, and build a sense of belonging among Education students within the broader university community.

Each Learning Community has a particular emphasis and focuses on movement “outward” from self as learner to a developing identity as professional educator and public intellectual. There is also embedded in the conceptualization the notion of place, from local to global. Students are focused first on personal and education issues on campus, after which they move to issues within the city, within the province, and ultimately, internationally.

The Learning Communities are facilitated by third-and fourth-year Bachelor of Education student peer mentors. Weekly sessions include input from educational partners, faculty and staff members, and alumni who share their expertise on educational issues, and who help to introduce teacher candidates to the profession of teaching.

All teacher candidates must complete a Criminal Record Check (CRC) with Vulnerable Sector check before they can participate in any field experience. Field experiences may occur anywhere in Saskatchewan and due to limited Saskatoon placement opportunities, a local practicum may not be possible upon request.

Pre-extended practicum field experience involves exploratory, practical experience in a partner school. Teacher candidates will be expected to carry out course assignments in their assigned school, engage in volunteer in-school activities wherever possible, observe, teach small and large groups and facilitate learning activities under the guidance of collaborating teachers, faculty members, and field experience coordinators. Teacher candidates are placed with teachers holding a Saskatchewan Teaching Certificate in a school using provincial curricula and organized under the Education Act. Teacher candidates will be assigned a partner school within commuting distance of Saskatoon, and must complete pre-extended practicum field study experiences by June 30 prior to the extended practicum commencing the fall of that same year.

The extended practicum involves one term of teaching experience, approximately 16 weeks in length. Teacher candidates must register in EXPR 422.15: Professional Extended Practicum.

Teacher candidates have the option of participating in the alternative practicum instead of the traditional extended practicum. The alternative practicum involves 10 weeks of teaching in a Saskatchewan school followed by six weeks in an adult learning, community based, or international setting. Teacher candidates participating in the alternative practicum must register in EXPR 425.12: Alternative Field Experiences Practicum II Saskatchewan Schools and one of EXPR 423.3: Alternative Field Experiences Practicum I Adult Learning and Community Based Educational Settings or EXPR 424.3: Alternative Field Experiences Practicum I International Opportunities. Contact the Field Experiences Team for more information about the alternative practicum options.

The extended practicum may be required of teacher candidates in centres not within commuting distance of Saskatoon. During the extended practicum, teacher candidates are placed with teachers holding a Saskatchewan Teaching Certificate in a school using the provincial curriculum and organized under the Education Act. In order to support province-wide enthusiasm for teacher candidates in School Division contexts as well as schools in First Nations communities, the College of Education has developed partnership opportunities in diverse locations and looks forward to the learning these opportunities provide as well as the energy and innovation our teacher candidates will extend. A limited number of special requests are considered each year related to rural or urban placements that relate to exceptional circumstances (with financial responsibilities not considered as criteria for requests). Outside of these circumstances, placement preferences related to location are not guaranteed.

Before extended practicum registration, teacher candidates must have obtained an Education Weighted Average and an External Weighted Average of 60%. In addition, teacher candidates in the Secondary option must have a minimum average of 60% in each of Teaching Areas I and II.

To be eligible for the extended practicum, teacher candidates must have completed all external courses, all Education pre-extended practicum courses and the student teaching experience by June 30 prior to the extended practicum commencement.

Specific dates are posted in the online Course Offerings.

Standard First Aid and CPR-C are required by all students.

Year 1 (27 credit units)

Education Learning Communities:

  • EDLC 101.0
  • EDLC 102.0

Required Courses:

  • BIOL 120.3 
  • BIOL 224.3 
  • EFDT 101.3 
  • KIN 121.3 
  • KIN 122.3 
  • KIN 150.3 
  • KIN 250.3
  • MATH 104.3 or MATH 110.3

Choose 3 English credit units from the following:

Spring Term (after Year 1) (6 credit units)

Choose 6 credit units from the following:

  • KIN 225.3 
  • KIN 226.3 
  • KIN 231.3 
  • KIN 232.3 

Year 2 (33 credit units)

Education Learning Communities:

  • EDLC 201.0
  • EDLC 202.0

Required Courses:

  • CPPS 221.3
  • EPSE 202.3
  • KIN 225.3 or KIN 232.3
  • KIN 226.3 or KIN 231.3
  • KIN 222.3
  • KIN 240.3

Choose 3 English credit units from the following:

Choose 3 Kinesiology Activity credit units from the following:

  • KIN 310.3
  • KIN 311.3
  • KIN 324.3
  • KIN 325.3

Choose 3 credit units from the following:

  • STAT 245.3
  • PLSC 214.3
  • PSY 233.3

Choose 6 Teaching Area 2 credit units:

For information about what classes may count towards Teaching Area 2, please see the Bachelor of
Education (B.Ed.) Secondary - Teaching Area 2 list.

*It is recommended that students contact an academic advisor in the College of Education for assistance with choosing courses for this teaching area.

Spring Term (after Year 2) (3 credit units)

  • KIN 320.3

Year 3 (30 credit units)

  • EFDT 265.3 or ECUR 265.3
  • KIN 306.3
  • KIN 321.3
  • KIN 322.3
  • KIN 341.3
  • KIN 380.3

Choose 3 Kinesiology Activity credit units from the following:

  • KIN 310.3
  • KIN 311.3
  • KIN 324.3
  • KIN 325.3

Choose 9 Teaching Area 2 credit units:

For information about what classes may count towards Teaching Area 2, please see the Bachelor of
Education (B.Ed.) Secondary - Teaching Area 2 list.

*It is recommended that students contact an academic advisor in the College of Education for assistance with choosing courses for this teaching area.

Spring Term (after Year 3) (3 credit units)

  • KIN 451.3

Year 4 (30 credit units)

  • EFDT 301.3
  • EFDT 313.3
  • ECUR 320.3
  • ECUR 325.3
  • ECUR 357.3
  • EPSE 348.3
  • EPSE 390.3
  • EDST 321.3

Choose 3 Education methods credit units (Teaching Area 2) from the following:
(Choose 6 credit units if Practical and Applied Arts is your Teaching Area 2)

  • EART 331.3
  • ECUR 318.3
  • ECUR 326.3
  • ECUR 349.3
  • ECUR 362.3
  • ECUR 379.3
  • ECUR 386.3
  • Teaching Area 2 of Practical and Applied Arts: ECUR 340.3 and ECUR 341.3

Choose 3 Kinesiology Activity credit units from the following:

  • KIN 310.3
  • KIN 311.3
  • KIN 324.3
  • KIN 325.3

Spring Term (after Year 4) (3 credit units)

  • EDST 375.3

Year 5 (30 credit units)

Term 1
Choose an Extended Practicum option from the following:

  • EXPR 422.15
  • EXPR 423.3 and EXPR 425.12
  • EXPR 424.3 and EXPR 425.12

Term 2

  • EADM 303.3
  • KIN 423.3
  • KIN 432.3

Complete one of the following:
(EADM/ECUR/EFDT/EPSE 411.3 is not required if Practical and Applied Arts is your Teaching Area 2.)

  • EADM 411.3
  • ECUR 411.3
  • EFDT 411.3
  • EPSE 411.3

Choose 3 Kinesiology Activity credit units from the following:

  • KIN 310.3
  • KIN 311.3
  • KIN 324.3
  • KIN 325.3