The Certificate in Sustainability is intended to give students theoretical, methodological, strategic, and substantive exposure to sustainability-related concepts and practice. The certificate will allow students to engage in problem-based, experiential learning across a broad range of sustainability topics. The program should begin in the student’s second year with ENVS 201.
Certificate in Sustainability (21 credit units)
Required Courses (6 credit units):
- ENVS 201.3
- ENVS 401.3 or EVSC 485.3
Indigenous Learning for Sustainability (3 credit units):
Choose at least 3 credit units from the following elective course options:
- ANTH 202.3
- ANTH 350.3
- AREC 220.3
- COMM 347.3
- DRAM 111.3
- ENG 242.3
- ENG 243.3
- ENG 335.3
- ENG 338.3
- GEOG 465.3
- HIST 195.3
- HIST 257.3
- HIST 266.3
- HIST 315.3
- HIST 316.3
- INDG 107.3
- INDG 210.3
- KIN 306.3
- LING 114.3
- LING 253.3
- PLAN 445.3*
- POLS 222.3
- INDG 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-level*
*These courses may not be used to count as credit for both Indigenous Learning and restricted electives or open electives.
Restricted Electives (6 credit units):
Students must choose at least 6 credit units of course from the list of electives below.
Choose at least 6 credit units from the following elective course options:
- ANBI 375.3
- ANBI 475.3
- ANSC 301.3
- ANTH 329.3
- ANTH 401.3
- AREC 348.3
- AREC 428.3
- AREC 430.3
- AREC 432.3
- AREC 451.3
- BIOL 373.3
- BIOL 410.3
- BIOL 412.3
- BIOL 470.3
- BIOL 475.3
- CHEM 375.3
- CHEP 402.3
- CPSJ 400.3
- ECON 376.3
- ENVE 381.3
- ENVE 432.3
- EVSC 380.3
- EVSC 421.3
- EVSC 492.3
- EVSC 494.3
- FABS 371.3
- FABS 401.3
- FABS 492.3
- FABS 494.3
- GEOG 333.3
- GEOG 351.3
- GEOG 364.3
- GEOG 380.3
- GEOG 381.3
- GEOG 385.3
- GEOG 386.3
- GEOG 490.3
- GEOG 491.3
- HIST 365.3
- HIST 371.3
- LAW 444.3
- PLAN 341.3
- PLAN 346.3
- PLAN 350.3
- PLAN 429.3
- PLAN 441.3
- PLAN 445.3
- PLAN 446.3
- PLSC 345.3
- PLSC 401.3
- PLSC 413.3
- PLSC 418.3
- PLSC 422.3
- PLSC 425.3
- PLSC 492.3
- PLSC 494.6
- POLS 326.3
- POLS 328.3
- POLS 403.3
- POLS 422.3
- RRM 312.3
- RRM 321.3
- SLSC 313.3
- SLSC 342.3
- SLSC 350.3
- SLSC 444.3
- SLSC 492.3
- SLSC 494.6
- SOC 309.3
- SOC 360.3
- SOC 402.3
- TOX 301.3
- WGST 411.3
Note: If a student chooses to use a thesis and/or research course towards the completion of the certificate, it must be demonstrated to the certificate coordinator that the thesis pursued has a focus on sustainability.
Open Electives (6 credit units)
Students must choose at least 6 credit units of open electives to be approved by the certificate coordinator or Undergraduate Programs Committee Chair. These electives can be either junior (100 and 200 level) or senior (300 and 400) level courses. It must be demonstrated to the certificate coordinator that the course has a focus on sustainability.