Years 1 and 2 (60 credit units)
Teacher candidates intending to become certified to teach youth in secondary schools must complete the following program requirements:
Education Learning Communities
Year 1
- EDLC 101.0
- EDLC 102.0
Year 2
- EDLC 201.0
- EDLC 202.0
Education Courses
- ECUR 165.3
- EFDT 101.3
- EFDT 265.3 or ECUR 265.3
- EPSE 202.3
External Course Requirements
Choose 6 credit units of English:
Please Note: not required if English Language Arts is a Teaching Area.
- ENG — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
Choose 3 credit units of Indigenous Studies:
Please note: not required if Indigenous Studies or Social Sciences/Studies is a Teaching Area.
INDG 107.3 is recommended.
- INDG — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- ANTH 202.3
- ANTH 350.3
- AREC 220.3
- DRAM 111.3
- ENG 242.3
- ENG 243.3
- ENG 335.3
- ENG 338.3
- GEOG 465.3
- HIST 193.3
- HIST 195.3
- HIST 257.3
- HIST 266.3
- HIST 315.3
- HIST 316.3
- HIST 366.3
- HIST 367.3
- HIST 432.3
- HIST 468.3
- KIN 306.3
- LING 114.3
- LING 253.3
- PLAN 445.3
- POLS 222.3
- POLS 323.3
- RRM 312.3
- SOC 219.3
- SOC 319.3
- SOC 341.3
For Social Sciences/Social Studies and Indigenous Studies Teaching Areas only:
Choose 3 credit units of electives:- 100 to 400 level open electives
- Must be completed by 3 or 6 credit unit courses
English Teaching Areas only:
Choose 6 credit units of electives:
- 100 to 400 level open electives
- Must be completed by 3 or 6 credit unit courses
Teaching Areas
Teacher candidates are required to complete a specific number of credit units in at least two teaching areas (disciplinary fields) that are tightly aligned with Saskatchewan Prekindergarten to Grade 12 curriculum areas.
Teaching areas must be chosen from a defined set of subjects and courses, approved by both the College of Education and the Saskatchewan Professional Teachers Regulatory Board (SPTRB).
All secondary option students must complete 24 credit units in Teaching Area 1 and 15 credit units in Teaching Area 2.
Secondary - Teaching Area 1
Students must complete 24 credit units of Teaching Area 1.
Please Note: Biology 30 or equivalent is a prerequisite for this Teaching Area.
Complete the following 6 credit units of junior level Biology courses:
Choose 9 credit units from the following 200-level Biology courses:
- BIOL 222.3
- BIOL 224.3
- BIOL 226.3
- BIOL 228.3 or PLSC 213.3
Choose 3 credit units from the following senior level Biology courses:
Please Note: Students are encouraged to choose the course not taken toward the above requirement: one of BIOL 222.3, BIOL 224.3, BIOL 226.3 and BIOL 228.3.
Choose 6 credit units from the following senior level Biology courses:
Note: Chemistry 30 and Mathematics B30 or Foundations of Mathematics 30 or Pre-Calculus 30 (or equivalents) are prerequisites for this Teaching Area.
Complete the following 6 credit units of junior level Chemistry courses:
- CHEM 112.3
- CHEM 115.3
Complete the following 6 credit units of 200-level Chemistry courses:
- CHEM 231.3
- CHEM 250.3
Choose 6 credit units from the following senior level Chemistry courses:
- CHEM — 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
Choose 6 credit units from the following senior level Chemistry courses:
- CHEM — 300-Level, 400-Level
Choose 6 credit units from the following junior level Cree courses:
- CREE — 100-Level
Choose 18 credit units from the following senior level Cree courses:
- CREE — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- EIND 220.6
- ECUR 428.3
- ECUR 429.3
Please Note: any 100-level course taken after the first 6 credit units will be counted as a senior course.
Choose 24 credit units from the following Drama courses:
DRAM — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
Choose 6 credit units from the following junior level English courses:
ENG — 100-Level
Choose 18 credit units from the following senior level English courses:
- ENG — 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- INDG 270.6
Choose 6 credit units from the following French courses:
- FREN 122.3 and FREN 125.3 (or approved equivalents)
- FREN 212.3 and FREN 218.3 (applies to Bilingual/Immersion students)
Choose 18 credit units from the following senior level French courses:
- FREN — 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
Teacher candidates may choose Indigenous Studies OR Social Sciences/Social Studies as a Teaching Area, but cannot choose both.
Choose 6 credit units from the following Indigenous Studies courses:
INDG — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
Choose an additional 18 credit units from the following Indigenous Studies courses:
- INDG — 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- ANTH 202.3
- ANTH 350.3
- AREC 220.3
- DRAM 111.3
- ENG 242.3
- ENG 243.3
- ENG 335.3
- ENG 338.3
- GEOG 465.3
- HIST 193.3
- HIST 195.3
- HIST 257.3
- HIST 266.3
- HIST 315.3
- HIST 316.3
- HIST 366.3
- HIST 367.3
- HIST 432.3
- HIST 468.3
- KIN 306.3
- LING 114.3
- LING 253.3
- PLAN 445.3
- POLS 222.3
- POLS 323.3
- RRM 312.3
- SOC 219.3
- SOC 319.3
- SOC 341.3
Students may choose up to 6 credit units of the following:
- CREE — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- DENE – 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
ECUR 235.3: Michif Language Learning and Epistemology
Transfer Credit for Indigenous Languages Courses (e.g., XLAN for Saulteaux, Nakota, Dakota, Dene)
Students may choose up to 3 credit units of the following:
- ARTH 253.3
- ARTH 255.3
- ARTH 323.3
- ARTH 345.3
- ARTH 355.3
- ARTH 455.3
Students must complete the following prerequisite for this Teaching Area: Pre-Calculus 30 or MATH 102.3.
Of the following 24 credit units, at least 12 credit units must be Mathematics courses (MATH). A maximum of 12 credit units of Statistics courses (STAT) are allowed.
Complete the following 6 credit units of junior level Mathematics courses:
- MATH 110.3 or MATH 176.3
- MATH 116.3 or MATH 177.3
Choose 3 credit units from the following Statistics courses:
- STAT — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- PLSC 214.3
- PSY 233.3
- PSY 234.3
- SOC 225.3
- SOC 325.3
The Statistics Course Regulations as determined by the College of Arts and Science are followed for the B.Ed. program.
Choose 12 credit units from the following Mathematics or Statistics courses:
- MATH — 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- STAT — 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- MATH 163.3
- MATH 164.3
Choose 3 credit units from the following senior level Mathematics or Statistics courses:
- MATH — 300-Level, 400-Level
- STAT — 300-Level, 400-Level
To become a secondary physical education teacher, see the five-year B.Sc.(Kin.)/B.Ed. Combined program.
Graduates of the B.Sc. in Kinesiology may apply to the B.Ed. program using their best 24 credit units of 3 or 6 credit unit Kinesiology courses to comprise their first teaching area. In order to hold a teaching area of Physical Education at the Secondary level, students must have a B.Sc. Kinesiology degree.
Students must complete the following as prerequisites for this Teaching Area: Physics 30 and Mathematics B30 and C30; or Foundations of Mathematics 30; or Pre-Calculus 30. Also, note acquiring a Teaching Area 1 or Teaching Area 2 in Physics requires a number of Mathematics courses as prerequisites. It is recommended that students pair teaching areas in Physics with Mathematics in order to acquire all of the required courses within the minimum 120 credit units required for the degree.
Choose 6 credit units from the following junior level Physics courses:
- PHYS 115.3
- PHYS 117.3 or PHYS 125.3
Choose 3 credit units from the following Physics courses:
- PHYS — 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- EP 202.3
- EP 228.3
- EP 253.1
- EP 317.3
- EP 325.3
- EP 353.2
- EP 354.2
- EP 370.3
- EP 417.3
- EP 421.3
- EP 428.3
Choose 9 credit units from the following Physics or Astronomy courses:
- ASTR — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- PHYS — 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- EP 202.3
- EP 228.3
- EP 253.1
- EP 317.3
- EP 325.3
- EP 353.2
- EP 354.2
- EP 370.3
- EP 417.3
- EP 421.3
- EP 428.3
Choose 6 credit units from the following senior level Physics or Astronomy courses:
- ASTR — 300-Level, 400-Level
- PHYS — 300-Level, 400-Level
- EP 317.3
- EP 325.3
- EP 353.2
- EP 354.2
- EP 370.3
- EP 417.3
- EP 421.3
- EP 428.3
Teacher candidates may choose Social Sciences/Social Studies OR Indigenous Studies as a Teaching Area, but cannot choose both. Any 100-level course taken after the first 6 credit units will be counted as a senior course.
Please Note: any 100-level course taken after the first 6 credit units will be counted as a senior course.
ECON 450.3, PSY 233.3, PSY 234.3, SOC 225.3 and SOC 325.3 cannot be used to fulfill this requirement.
Choose 6 credit units from the following Indigenous Studies courses:
INDG 107.3 is recommended.
- INDG — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- ANTH 202.3
- ANTH 350.3
- AREC 220.3
- ARTH 323.3
- ARTH 345.3
- DRAM 111.3
- ENG 242.3
- ENG 243.3
- ENG 335.3
- ENG 338.3
- GEOG 465.3
- HIST 193.3
- HIST 195.3
- HIST 257.3
- HIST 266.3
- HIST 315.3
- HIST 316.3
- HIST 366.3
- HIST 367.3
- HIST 432.3
- HIST 468.3
- KIN 306.3
- LING 114.3
- LING 253.3
- PLAN 445.3
- POLS 222.3
- POLS 323.3
- SOC 219.3
- SOC 319.3
- SOC 341.3
- RRM 312.3
Choose 6 credit units from the following History courses:
- HIST — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- AREC 220.3
- INDG 212.3
- INDG 216.3
- INDG 264.3
- INDG 280.6
- INDG 281.3
Choose 12 credit units from the following Social Sciences/Social Studies courses:
- CMRS — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- CTST — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- ECON — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- HIST — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- INDG — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- IS — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- PHIL — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- POLS — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- PSY — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- RLST — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- SOC — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- WGST — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- AGRC 113.3
- ANTH 111.3
- ANTH 202.3
- ANTH 211.3
- ANTH 224.3
- ANTH 226.3
- ANTH 227.3
- ANTH 230.3
- ANTH 231.3
- ANTH 235.3
- ANTH 240.3
- ANTH 244.3
- ANTH 302.3
- ANTH 304.3
- ANTH 305.3
- ANTH 306.3
- ANTH 310.3
- ANTH 311.3
- ANTH 321.3
- ANTH 326.3
- ANTH 329.3
- ANTH 330.3
- ANTH 332.3
- ANTH 328.3
- ANTH 339.3
- ANTH 379.3
- ANTH 383.3
- ANTH 390.3
- ANTH 400.3
- ANTH 401.3
- ANTH 403.3
- ANTH 421.3
- ANTH 422.3
- CLAS 110.3
- CLAS 111.3
- CLAS 220.3
- CLAS 225.3
- CLAS 240.3
- CLAS 242.3
- CLAS 247.3
- CLAS 248.3
- GEOG 130.3
- GEOG 150.3
- GEOG 202.3
- GEOG 204.3
- GEOG 208.3
- GEOG 240.3
- GEOG 340.3
- GEOG 364.3
- GEOG 385.3
- GEOG 386.3
- GEOG 491.3
- PLAN 341.3
- PLAN 343.3
- PLAN 346.3
- PLAN 350.3
- PLAN 392.3
- PLAN 442.3
- PLAN 446.3
- RRM 114.3
- RRM 312.3
Please Note: at least 6 credit units of the total 24 credit units must include Canadian content.
- ANTH courses with Canadian content are:
- ANTH 202.3
- ANTH 350.3
- ANTH 480.3
- AREC courses with Canadian content are:
- AREC 220.3
- DRAM courses with Canadian content are:
- DRAM 111.3
- ECON courses with Canadian content are:
- ECON 231.3
- ENG courses with Canadian content are:
- ENG 242.3
- ENG 243.3
- ENG 335.3
- ENG 338.3
- GEOG courses with Canadian content are:
- GEOG 202.3
- GEOG 204.3
- GEOG 381.3
- GEOG 386.3
- GEOG 465.3
- PLAN 342.3
- PLAN 343.3
- PLAN 442.3
- PLAN 445.3
- HIST courses with Canadian content are:
- HIST — 100-Level (only those sections containing Canadian content will be considered; consult an academic advisor)
- HIST 193.3
- HIST 195.3
- HIST 255.3
- HIST 256.3
- HIST 257.3
- HIST 258.3
- HIST 259.3
- HIST 260.3
- HIST 266.3
- HIST 310.3
- HIST 315.3
- HIST 316.3
- HIST 350.3
- HIST 353.3
- HIST 363.3
- HIST 365.3
- HIST 366.3
- HIST 367.3
- HIST 370.3
- HIST 410.3
- HIST 415.3
- HIST 430.3
- HIST 432.3
- HIST 466.3
- HIST 468.3
- KIN course with Canadian content is:
- KIN 306.3
- LING courses with Canadian content are:
- LING 114.3
- LING 253.3
- POLS courses with Canadian content are:
- POLS 111.3
- POLS 204.3
- POLS 205.3
- POLS 222.3
- POLS 225.3
- POLS 226.3
- POLS 303.3
- POLS 304.3
- POLS 305.3
- POLS 306.3
- POLS 307.3
- POLS 323.3
- POLS 349.3
- POLS 375.3
- POLS 404.3
- POLS 405.3
- POLS 422.3
- POLS 425.3
- RLST courses with Canadian content are:
- RLST 200.3
- RRM courses with Canadian content are:
- RRM 114.3
- RRM 312.3
- SOC courses with Canadian content are:
- SOC 203.3
- SOC 204.3
- SOC 219.3
- SOC 227.3
- SOC 244.3
- SOC 246.3
- SOC 319.3
- SOC 341.3
Please Note: all INDG courses are acceptable, except INDG 221.3 and INDG 272.3
Please Note: any 100-level course taken after the first 6 credit units will be counted as a senior course.
Choose 6 credit units from the following Art History courses:
ARTH — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
Choose 6 credit units from the following Art courses (2 different studio areas):
Choose 12 credit units from the following Art or Art History courses:
- ART — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- ARTH — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- Painting
- ART 122.3
- ART 123.3
- ART 222.3
- ART 223.3
- ART 322.3
- ART 323.3
- ART 472.3
- ART 473.3
- ART 484.3
- ART 485.3
- ART 486.3
- ART 487.3
- Drawing
- ART 124.3
- ART 125.3
- ART 220.3
- ART 221.3
- ART 320.3
- ART 321.3
- ART 470.3
- ART 471.3
- ART 480.3
- ART 481.3
- Printmaking
- ART 151.3
- ART 152.3
- ART 251.3
- ART 326.3
- ART 327.3
- ART 476.3
- ART 477.3
- Extended Media
- ART 136.3
- ART 236.6
- ART 237.3
- ART 338.3
- ART 339.3
- ART 438.3
- ART 439.3
- Sculpture
- ART 141.3
- ART 241.3
- ART 242.3
- ART 341.3
- ART 342.3
- ART 441.3
- ART 442.3
- Photography
- ART 161.3
- ART 216.6
- ART 235.3
- ART 316.6
- ART 416.6
- ART 426.6
- ART 436.6
Secondary - Teaching Area 2
Students must complete 15 credit units of Teaching Area 2.
Please Note: Biology 30 or equivalent is a prerequisite for this Teaching Area.
Complete the following 6 credit units of Biology courses:
Choose 6 credit units from the following 200-level Biology courses:
- BIOL 222.3
- BIOL 224.3
- BIOL 226.3
- BIOL 228.3 or PLSC 213.3
Choose 3 credit units from the following senior level Biology courses:
Please Note: Chemistry 30 and Mathematics B30 or Foundations of Mathematics 30 or Pre-Calculus 30 (or equivalents) are prerequisites for this Teaching Area.
Complete the following 6 credit units of junior level Chemistry courses:
- CHEM 112.3
- CHEM 115.3
Complete the following 6 credit units of 200-level Chemistry courses:
- CHEM 231.3
- CHEM 250.3
Choose 3 credit units from the following senior level Chemistry courses:
CHEM — 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
Choose 6 credit units from the following junior level Cree courses:
- CREE — 100-Level
Choose 9 credit units from the following senior level Cree courses:
- CREE — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- EIND 220.6
- ECUR 428.3
- ECUR 429.3
Please Note: any 100-level course taken after the first 6 credit units will be counted as a senior course.
Choose 15 credit units from the following Drama courses:
DRAM — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
Choose 6 credit units from the following junior level English courses:
- ENG — 100-Level
Choose 9 credit units from the following senior level English courses:
- ENG — 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- INDG 270.6
Choose 6 credit units from the following French courses:
- FREN 122.3 and FREN 125.3 (or approved equivalents)
- FREN 212.3 and FREN 218.3 (applies to Bilingual/Immersion students)
Choose 9 credit units from the following senior level French courses:
- FREN — 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
Teacher candidates may choose Indigenous Studies OR Social Sciences/Social Studies as a Teaching Area, but cannot choose both.
Choose 6 credit units from the following Indigenous Studies courses:
INDG — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
Choose an additional 9 credit units from the following Indigenous Studies courses:
- INDG — 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- ANTH 202.3
- ANTH 350.3
- AREC 220.3
- DRAM 111.3
- ENG 242.3
- ENG 243.3
- ENG 335.3
- ENG 338.3
- GEOG 465.3
- HIST 193.3
- HIST 195.3
- HIST 257.3
- HIST 266.3
- HIST 315.3
- HIST 316.3
- HIST 366.3
- HIST 367.3
- HIST 432.3
- HIST 468.3
- KIN 306.3
- LING 114.3
- LING 253.3
- PLAN 445.3
- POLS 222.3
- POLS 323.3
- RRM 312.3
- SOC 219.3
- SOC 319.3
- SOC 341.3
Students may choose up to 6 credit units of the following:
- CREE — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- DENE – 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
ECUR 235.3: Michif Language Learning and Epistemology
Transfer Credit for Indigenous Languages Courses (e.g., XLAN for Saulteaux, Nakota, Dakota, Dene)
Students may choose up to 3 credit units of the following:
- ARTH 253.3
- ARTH 255.3
- ARTH 323.3
- ARTH 345.3
- ARTH 355.3
- ARTH 455.3
Students must complete the following prerequisite for this Teaching Area: Pre-Calculus 30 or MATH 102.3.
Complete the following 6 credit units of junior level Mathematics courses:
- MATH 110.3 or MATH 176.3
- MATH 116.3 or MATH 177.3
Choose 3 credit units from the following Statistics courses:
- STAT — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- PLSC 214.3
- PSY 233.3
- PSY 234.3
- SOC 225.3
- SOC 325.3
The Statistics Course Regulations as determined by the College of Arts and Science are followed for the B.Ed. program.
Choose 6 credit units from the following senior level Mathematics or Statistics courses:
- MATH — 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- STAT — 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- MATH 163.3
- MATH 164.3
Students must complete the following as prerequisites for this Teaching Area: Physics 30 and Mathematics B30 and C30; or Foundations of Mathematics 30; or Pre-Calculus 30. Also, note: acquiring a Teaching Area 1 or Teaching Area 2 in Physics requires a number of Mathematics courses as prerequisites. It is recommended that students pair teaching areas in Physics with Mathematics in order to acquire all of the required courses within the minimum 120 credit units required for the degree.
Choose 6 credit units from the following junior level Physics courses:
- PHYS 115.3
- PHYS 117.3 or PHYS 125.3
Choose 6 credit units from the following Physics or Astronomy courses:
- PHYS — 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- ASTR — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- EP 202.3
- EP 228.3
- EP 253.1
- EP 317.3
- EP 325.3
- EP 353.2
- EP 354.2
- EP 370.3
- EP 417.3
- EP 421.3
- EP 428.3
Choose 3 credit units from the following senior level Physics or Astronomy courses:
- PHYS — 300-Level, 400-Level
- ASTR — 300-Level, 400-Level
- EP 317.3
- EP 325.3
- EP 353.2
- EP 354.2
- EP 370.3
- EP 417.3
- EP 421.3
- EP 428.3
- AGRC—100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- AREC 220.3
- AREC 230.3
- FABS 110.3
- FABS 222.3
- PLSC 201.3
- PLSC 202.3
- PLSC 205.3
- PLSC 213.3
- PLSC 220.3
- PLSC 222.3
- PLSC 234.3
- PLSC 235.3
- PLSC 260.3
- PLSC 311.3
- PLSC 350.3
- PLSC 382.3
- RRM 215.3
SLSC 232.3
SLSC 240.3
- COMM 101.3
- COMM 105.3
- COMM 201.3
- COMM 204.3
- COMM 210.3
- COMM 229.3
- COMM 306.3
- COMM 352.3
- HED 111.3
- HED 142.3
- HED 222.3
- HED 223.3
- HED 232.3
- HED 313.3
- HED 431.3
- HLTH 100.3
- ART 161.3
- ART 216.3
- ART 217.3
- ART 220.3
- ART 221.3
- DRAM – 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- COMM 101.3
- COMM 104.3
- COMM 201.3
- COMM 203.3
- COMM 204.3
- COMM 341.3
- COMM 349.3
- TECH 183.3
- TECH 187.3
- TECH 283.3
- TECH 284.3
- TECH 285.3
- TECH 286.3
- TECH 287.3
- ETAD 402.3
Teacher candidates may choose Social Sciences/Social Studies OR Indigenous Studies as a Teaching Area, but cannot choose both. Any 100-level course taken after the first 6 credit units will be counted as a senior course.
Please Note: any 100-level course taken after the first 6 credit units will be counted as a senior course.
ECON 450.3, PSY 233.3, PSY 234.3, SOC 225.3 and SOC 325.3 cannot be used to fulfill this requirement.
Choose 6 credit units from the following Indigenous Studies courses:
INDG 107.3: Introduction to Canadian Indigenous Studies is recommended.
- INDG — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- ANTH 202.3
- ANTH 350.3
- AREC 220.3
- ARTH 323.3
- ARTH 345.3
- DRAM 111.3
- ENG 242.3
- ENG 243.3
- ENG 335.3
- ENG 338.3
- GEOG 465.3
- HIST 193.3
- HIST 195.3
- HIST 257.3
- HIST 266.3
- HIST 315.3
- HIST 316.3
- HIST 366.3
- HIST 367.3
- HIST 432.3
- HIST 468.3
- KIN 306.3
- LING 114.3
- LING 253.3
- PLAN 445.3
- POLS 222.3
- POLS 323.3
- RRM 312.3
- SOC 219.3
- SOC 319.3
- SOC 341.3
Choose 6 credit units from the following History courses:
- HIST — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- AREC 220.3
- INDG 212.3
- INDG 216.3
- INDG 264.3
- INDG 280.6
- INDG 281.3
Choose 3 credit units from the following Social Sciences/Social Studies courses:
- CMRS — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- CTST — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- ECON — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- HIST — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- INDG — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- IS — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- PHIL — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- POLS — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- PSY — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- RLST — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- SOC — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- WGST — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- AGRC 113.3
- ANTH 111.3
- ANTH 202.3
- ANTH 211.3
- ANTH 224.3
- ANTH 226.3
- ANTH 227.3
- ANTH 230.3
- ANTH 231.3
- ANTH 235.3
- ANTH 240.3
- ANTH 244.3
- ANTH 302.3
- ANTH 304.3
- ANTH 305.3
- ANTH 306.3
- ANTH 310.3
- ANTH 311.3
- ANTH 321.3
- ANTH 326.3
- ANTH 329.3
- ANTH 330.3
- ANTH 332.3
- ANTH 328.3
- ANTH 339.3
- ANTH 379.3
- ANTH 383.3
- ANTH 390.3
- ANTH 400.3
- ANTH 401.3
- ANTH 403.3
- ANTH 421.3
- ANTH 422.3
- CLAS 110.3
- CLAS 111.3
- CLAS 220.3
- CLAS 225.3
- CLAS 240.3
- CLAS 242.3
- CLAS 247.3
- CLAS 248.3
- GEOG 130.3
- GEOG 150.3
- GEOG 202.3
- GEOG 204.3
- GEOG 208.3
- GEOG 240.3
- GEOG 340.3
- GEOG 364.3
- GEOG 385.3
- GEOG 386.3
- GEOG 491.3
- PLAN 341.3
- PLAN 343.3
- PLAN 346.3
- PLAN 350.3
- PLAN 392.3
- PLAN 442.3
- PLAN 446.3
- RRM 114.3
- RRM 312.3
Please Note: at least 6 credit units of the total 15 credit units must include Canadian content.
- ANTH courses with Canadian content are:
- ANTH 202.3
- ANTH 350.3
- ANTH 480.3
- AREC courses with Canadian content are:
- AREC 220.3
- DRAM courses with Canadian content are:
- DRAM 111.3
- ECON courses with Canadian content are:
- ECON 231.3
- ENG courses with Canaidan content are:
- ENG 242.3
- ENG 243.3
- ENG 335.3
- ENG 338.3
- GEOG courses with Canadian contenat are:
- GEOG 202.3
- GEOG 204.3
- GEOG 381.3
- GEOG 386.3
- GEOG 465.3
- PLAN 342.3
- PLAN 343.3
- PLAN 442.3
- PLAN 445.3
- HIST courses with Canadian content are:
- HIST — 100-Level (only those sections containing Canadian content will be considered; consult an academic advisor)
- HIST 193.3
- HIST 195.3
- HIST 255.3
- HIST 256.3
- HIST 257.3
- HIST 258.3
- HIST 259.3
- HIST 260.3
- HIST 266.3
- HIST 310.3
- HIST 315.3
- HIST 316.3
- HIST 350.3
- HIST 353.3
- HIST 363.3
- HIST 365.3
- HIST 366.3
- HIST 367.3
- HIST 370.3
- HIST 410.3
- HIST 415.3
- HIST 430.3
- HIST 432.3
- HIST 466.3
- HIST 468.3
- KIN course with Canadian content is:
- KIN 306.3
- KIN 306.3
- LING courses with Canadian content are:
- LING 114.3
- LING 253.3
- POLS courses with Canadian content are:
- POLS 111.3
- POLS 204.3
- POLS 205.3
- POLS 222.3
- POLS 225.3
- POLS 226.3
- POLS 303.3
- POLS 304.3
- POLS 305.3
- POLS 306.3
- POLS 307.3
- POLS 323.3
- POLS 349.3
- POLS 375.3
- POLS 404.3
- POLS 405.3
- POLS 422.3
- POLS 425.3
- RLST courses with Canadian content are:
- RLST 200.3
- RRM courses with Canadian content are:
- RRM 114.3
- RRM 312.3
- SOC courses with Canadian content are:
- SOC 203.3
- SOC 204.3
- SOC 219.3
- SOC 227.3
- SOC 244.3
- SOC 246.3
- SOC 319.3
- SOC 341.3
Please Note: all INDG courses are acceptable, except INDG 221.3 and INDG 272.3
Please Note: any 100-level course taken after the first 6 credit units will be counted as a senior course.
Choose 6 credit units from the following Art History courses:
- ARTH — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
Choose 6 credit units from the following Art courses (2 different studio areas):
Choose 3 credit units from the following Art or Art History courses:
- ART — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- ARTH — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- Painting
- ART 122.3
- ART 123.3
- ART 222.3
- ART 223.3
- ART 322.3
- ART 323.3
- ART 472.3
- ART 473.3
- ART 484.3
- ART 485.3
- ART 486.3
- ART 487.3
- Drawing
- ART 124.3
- ART 125.3
- ART 220.3
- ART 221.3
- ART 320.3
- ART 321.3
- ART 470.3
- ART 471.3
- ART 480.3
- ART 481.3
- Printmaking
- ART 151.3
- ART 152.3
- ART 251.3
- ART 326.3
- ART 327.3
- ART 476.3
- ART 477.3
- Extended Media
- ART 136.3
- ART 236.6
- ART 237.3
- ART 338.3
- ART 339.3
- ART 438.3
- ART 439.3
- Sculpture
- ART 141.3
- ART 241.3
- ART 242.3
- ART 341.3
- ART 342.3
- ART 441.3
- ART 442.3
- Photography
- ART 161.3
- ART 216.6
- ART 235.3
- ART 316.6
- ART 416.6
- ART 426.6
- ART 436.6
Year 3 (27 credit units)
Education Courses
Education Methods
Choose 6 credit units of Education Methods courses (3 credit units of Teaching Area 1 methods and 3 credit units of Teaching Area 2 methods*) from the following:
*If Practical and Applied Arts (PAA) is your Teaching Area 2, enroll in 6 credit units of Teaching Area 2 methods: ECUR 340.3 and ECUR 341.3
Spring Term (after Year 3) (3 credit units)
- EDST 375.3
Year 4 (30 credit units)
Choose an Extended Practicum option from the following:
- EXPR 422.15
- EXPR 423.3 AND EXPR 425.12
- EXPR 424.3 AND EXPR 425.12
Education Courses
- EADM 303.3
Choose 3 credit units from the following:
- EADM 411.3
- ECUR 411.3
- EFDT 411.3
- EPSE 411.3
Education Electives
Choose 9 credit units of Education electives from the following:
(Choose 6 credit units of Education electives if Practical and Applied Arts is your Teaching Area 2.)
- EADM — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- ECUR — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- EFDT — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- EMUS — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- EPSE — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- ETAD — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level