The Engineering Co-operative Internship Program is an optional academic program that formally integrates an engineering undergraduate student’s academic study with quality full-time, paid experiences in an engineering workplace. The program adheres to the principles and best practices of co-operative education as outlined by Co-operative Education and Work-Integrated Learning (CEWIL) Canada. Participation in the program provides students with the opportunity to develop technical skills in addition to essential skills in the areas of communication, interpersonal relations, report writing, oral presentations, and supervision - all attributes that allow College of Engineering graduates to better market themselves in an increasingly competitive job market.

Within the Engineering Co-operative Internship Program, a maximum of five work terms are available, each 4-months long. Students can begin integrating a work term into their undergraduate degree as early as after their second year of study. Back-to-back work terms, also known as co-op internships, are common between a student’s third and fourth year of study. During each work term, the student is registered into a 15 operational credit unit course, maintaining the student’s full-time student status at the University of Saskatchewan. The credit units from these work term courses do not count towards the total credit units required for the student’s undergraduate degree program, and students are not required to complete the Engineering Co-operative Internship Program to be eligible for graduation.

If a student completes at least three work terms, resulting in 12-months of work-integrated learning, the student will graduate with “Co-op Internship” on their parchment. In most cases, participating in the Co-operative Internship Program will extend a student’s degree completion time by one year. The Engineering Co-operative Internship Program is a concentration available within the following programs:

  • Bachelor of Science in Engineering (B.E.) – Chemical Engineering
  • Bachelor of Science in Engineering (B.E.) – Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor of Science in Engineering (B.E.) – Computer Engineering
  • Bachelor of Science in Engineering (B.E.) – Electrical Engineering
  • Bachelor of Science in Engineering (B.E.) – Engineering Physics
  • Bachelor of Science in Engineering (B.E.) – Environmental Engineering
  • Bachelor of Science in Engineering (B.E.) – Geological Engineering
  • Bachelor of Science in Engineering (B.E.) – Mechanical Engineering

Joining the Program

To join the Engineering Co-operative Internship Program, students must register for, complete, and pass the Introduction to Co-operative Education and Internship (ECIP 200.1) course. This course is available to students enrolled in the College of Engineering who have completed their first-year common core and have officially been placed into their major. Once a student has joined the program, they remain in the program until they request to leave the program, or they graduate.

ECIP 200.1 is an online, asynchronous course offered in both the Fall and Winter academic terms.

Work Term Eligibility Criteria

Once a student has joined the program, the eligibility criteria to register into a work term includes:

  • Be enrolled in the College of Engineering and pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Engineering program.
  • Have completed at least two years of their Bachelor of Science in Engineering program.
  • Be in good academic standing (Good Academic Standing – status of student who meets the College promotion and academic standards. A student is considered in good academic standing if they are not currently the subject of any academic action), as per The College of Engineering Academic Promotion and Standards Policy.
  • Return to studies following a work term with at least 12 credit units of coursework remaining towards the requirements of their Bachelor of Science in Engineering degree.
  • Are not registered in a capstone design course during the work term.
  • Must complete their degree program, including the time they are on their work term (s), in the timeframe outlined in the Undergraduate Degree Complete Timeframe Policy.


To successfully complete the Co-operative Internship Program, students must complete ECIP 200.1 and a minimum of three of the following courses, in addition to the regular requirements for a Bachelor of Science in Engineering (B.E.) program:

Required Courses (1 credit unit)

  • ECIP 200.1

Elective Courses (minimum of 3 courses)

  • ECIP 400.0
  • ECIP 401.0
  • ECIP 402.0
  • ECIP 403.0
  • ECIP 404.0

Students who secure work terms in the Co-operative Internship Program will be registered in between one and five ECIP-series courses, each one being four months in duration.

Students are required to complete learning activities and assignments as part of their work term. These learning activities and assignments will be reviewed by staff within the Engineering Co-op & Career Centre and a grade of “pass” or “fail” assigned accordingly. The grade received for all ECIP 400-level courses will appear on a student’s academic transcript at the University of Saskatchewan. Students who fail to meet and adhere to the requirements of the program may be forced to withdraw, at the discretion of program staff and the Associate Dean Academic, College of Engineering.