Year 1 (42 credit units)
All Engineering programs have a common first year.
Year 2 (36 credit units)
Fall Term
- GE 210.3
- GE 213.3
- MATH 223.3
- ME 214.3
- ME 227.3
Winter Term
- MATH 224.3
- ME 215.3
- ME 226.3
- ME 229.3
- RCM 200.3
Fall or Winter Term
- 3 credit units Junior Humanities or Social Science Elective
- 3 credit units Science Elective
Year 3 (36 credit units)
Fall Term
- ME 313.3
- ME 321.3
- ME 324.3
- ME 327.3
- ME 330.3
Winter Term
- ME 314.3
- ME 323.3
- ME 328.3
- ME 329.3
- ME 335.3
- ME 352.3
Fall Term or Winter Term
- GE 348.3
Year 4 (36 credit units)
Fall Term
- ME 417.3
- ME 418.3
- ME 431.3
Winter Term
- GE 449.3
Fall Term and Winter Term
Choose 6 credit units from the following:
- ME 495.6
- GE 495.6 (Department permission required)
Fall Term or Winter Term
- 12 credit units Technical Electives
- 3 credit units Complementary Studies Elective
- 3 credit units Senior Humanities or Social Science Elective
Science Elective List
- ASTR 213.3
- ASTR 214.3
- BIOL 120.3
- CHEM 221.3
- CHEM 231.3
- CHEM 242.3
- CHEM 250.3
- EVSC 203.3
- EVSC 210.3
- GEOG 120.3
- GEOL 121.3
- GEOL 224.3
- GEOL 245.3
- GEOL 300.3
Technical Electives
Department Technical Electives are offered subject to minimum enrolment limits and staffing considerations. Consult the current Course Offerings to determine the availability of specific electives.
Term 1
- EE 471.3
GEOE 377.3
Term 2
- GEOE 466.3
Term 1 and Term 2
- GE 496.3
- ME 494.3
Term 1 or Term 2
- CHE 453.3
- CHE 464.3
- EP 440.3
- GEOE 380.3
- ME 450.3
- ME 452.3
- ME 460.3
- ME 461.3
- ME 462.3
- ME 463.3
- ME 464.3
- ME 471.3
- ME 472.3
- ME 473.3
- ME 475.3
- ME 476.3
- ME 477.3
- ME 478.3
- ME 488.3
- ME 490.3
- ME 491.3
- ME 492.3
- ME 493.3
- ME 496.3
- ME 497.3
- approved senior course(s) from science or Engineering
Junior Humanities or Social Science Elective
- ANTH 111.3
- ARCH 112.3
- ARCH 116.3
- CLAS 104.3
- CLAS 110.3
- CLAS 111.3
- CMRS 110.3
- CMRS 111.3
- ECON 111.3
- ECON 114.3
- GEOG 130.3
- HIST 110.3
- HIST 111.3
- HIST 115.3
- HIST 121.3
- HIST 122.3
- HIST 125.3
- HIST 135.3
- HIST 145.3
- HIST 155.3
- HIST 165.3
- HIST 175.3
- INDG 107.3
- LING 111.3
- LING 112.3
- PHIL 120.3
- PHIL 133.3
- PHIL 140.3
- POLS 111.3
- POLS 112.3
- PSY 120.3
- PSY 121.3
- SOC 111.3
- SOC 112.3
- WGST 112.3
Senior Humanities or Social Science Elective
- ANTH — 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- ARCH — 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- CLAS — 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- ECON — 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- ENG — 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- GEOG 202.3
- GEOG 204.3
- GEOG 208.3
- GEOG 240.3
- GEOG 280.3
- HIST — 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- INDG — 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- IS — 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- PHIL — 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- POLS — 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- PSY — 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- RLST — 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- SOC — 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- WGST — 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- Exception: ECON 204 cannot be used to meet the Complementary Studies, Senior Humanities or Social Science elective requirements of the program.
- Exception: PSY 233 and PSY 236 cannot be used to meet the Complementary Studies, Senior Humanities or Social Science elective requirements of the program.
- Exception: PHIL 241 cannot be used to meet the Senior Humanities or Social Science elective requirements of the program.
- Exception: SOC 225 cannot be used to meet the Complementary Studies, Senior Humanities or Social Science elective requirements of the program.
- Note: The following Engineering courses will also satisfy the Humanities/Social Science elective requirement: RCM 400, RCM 401, RCM 402, RCM 403, RCM 404, RCM 405, RCM 406, RCM 407, RCM 408, RCM 409, RCM 410, and RCM 495.
Complementary Studies Elective
- ANTH — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- ARBC — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- ARCH — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- ARTH — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- CHIN — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- CLAS — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- CMRS — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- COMM 201.3
- COMM 203.3
- COMM 204.3
- COMM 205.3
- COMM 210.3
- COMM 211.3
- COMM 229.3
- COMM 304.3
- COMM 306.3
- COMM 308.3
- COMM 321.3
- COMM 323.3
- COMM 329.3
- COMM 337.3
- COMM 340.3
- COMM 342.3
- COMM 343.3
- COMM 345.3
- COMM 346.3
- COMM 347.3
- COMM 348.3
- COMM 349.3
- COMM 352.3
- COMM 354.3
- COMM 357.3
- COMM — 100-Level
- CREE — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- ECON 111.3
- ECON 114.3
- ECON 211.3
- ECON 214.3
- ECON 221.3
- ECON 223.3
- ECON 227.3
- ECON 231.3
- ECON 234.3
- ECON 254.3
- ECON 256.3
- ECON 270.3
- ECON 272.3
- ECON 275.3
- ECON 277.3
- ECON 280.3
- ENG — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- FREN — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- GE 431.3
- GE 450.3
- GEOG 130.3
- GEOG 202.3
- GEOG 204.3
- GEOG 208.3
- GEOG 240.3
- GEOG 280.3
- GERM — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- GRK — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- HEB — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- HIST — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- HNDI — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- INDG — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- IS — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- JPNS — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- LATN — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- LING — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- LIT — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- MUS 101.3
- PHIL 120.3
- PHIL 121.3
- PHIL 133.3
- PHIL 140.3
- PHIL 202.3
- PHIL 206.3
- PHIL 208.3
- PHIL 209.3
- PHIL 210.3
- PHIL 211.3
- PHIL 215.3
- PHIL 218.3
- PHIL 219.3
- PHIL 224.3
- PHIL 226.3
- PHIL 227.3
- PHIL 231.3
- PHIL 233.3
- PHIL 234.3
- PHIL 235.3
- PHIL 236.3
- PHIL 237.3
- PHIL 238.3
- PHIL 251.3
- PHIL 262.3
- PHIL 265.3
- PHIL 271.3
- PHIL 281.3
- PHIL 285.3
- PHIL 292.3
- PHIL 294.3
- PHIL 296.3
- POLS — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- PSY — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- RCM — 400-Level
- RLST — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- RUSS — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- SNSK — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- SOC — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- SPAN — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- UKR — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
- WGST — 100-Level, 200-Level, 300-Level, 400-Level
Exception: COMM 121.3 is restricted to Edwards School of Business students.
Note: Special Topics courses cannot be used to meet a Complementary Studies Elective Requirement (any
course ending in 98 or 99).